Still don't know what Bananas is


New member
Jul 27, 2015
Bananas - Cockatiel; 1.5yo F
Unnamed - Parakeet; ? ?
So I still have little idea as to what mutation or gender Bananas is, lol. When I first tried to find out she was young and hadn't molted yet so it was hard to tell. She recently finished her first molt And has grown back a couple of primary flight feathers (her wings were clipped when I got her.)
Still I can't tell though. I've researched for so long and I'm just lost. Best I've gotten is incomplete pearl or pied.
Then I try to figure out her gender and I don't even know. She has no barring under her tail feathers and some have spots on them and some are a solid color (have always been this way.) Her cheek patches have yellow dots in them and she has a yellow face. On the primary flight feathers that have grown back I don't see any spots but she won't let me unfold her wings so I can't entirely see.
She's quiet and usually only chirps, though at one point would randomly give off this repetitive call that want directed at me but that's stopped. I've seen her do the bat wings thing, but I've also seen her either do heart wings or stretch, not sure which...
I don't know, I'll post a pic and maybe y'all can help?

Sooo, in other news she's Finally let me scratch her head! After almost a year! I don't think it's affection though, she had lots of itchy pin feathers coming in, lol.


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Dec 25, 2013
Central Florida
Buddy ❤️ - Cinnamon Cockatiel (1 y.o)
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The best way to get a definite answer on her gender is to go to a vet to get her blood or feathers tested!! :grey: :yellow1: but since she's so quiet she could be a girl?... but her facial colors are so bright!! :D I think bright colors usually indicate a male. :confused: if I were you, I'd either go on my best guess or go to a vet. I haven't gone to a vet for my tiel so I'm only assuming he's a boy because he whistles a lot, he likes to show off his wings, he has very vibrant colors and he isn't as aggressive as female tiels are! :D :confused: so I'm still confused about his gender hehe. But it's hard to say whether your tiel is a female or male because she's kinda showing characteristics and physical properties of both male and female!.... maybe she's confused too :D. She's very adorable though... I love how petite she looks. :yellow1: good luck with everything!!! I hope this helped a little.


New member
Jul 27, 2015
Bananas - Cockatiel; 1.5yo F
Unnamed - Parakeet; ? ?
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Thanks :) She is confusing! What brought it up again was that I went to a pet store and they had a female cockatiel, and her cheek patches were really dull, but then she was grey all over so I dunno if that played a part in it.
Bananas isn't aggressive per say, but she does have attitude. She does the rapid fire 'bite' and squawks if I irritate her, lol.
Yeah I might have to go to the vet. The woman I got her from referred to her as he and she, so I have little to go on.


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I have a history of being wrong about gender. Some of our members are magicians when it comes to cockatiels and mutations, hopefully they can help.

You don't have to schedule a vet visit for a gender test. Avian Biotech or various other labs will send you a collection kit for a blood or feather sample. Here's the link to Avian Biotech.

Avian Services Center: DNA sexing and disease testing for all species of birds.


New member
Jul 27, 2015
Bananas - Cockatiel; 1.5yo F
Unnamed - Parakeet; ? ?
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I have one of those kits, I'm just scared of plucking her or drawing blood >.< plus she'll probably hate me for it


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May 22, 2012
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That looks to me like a pied cinnamon color mutation and with more time he or she will probably lose more of the broken color in his/her feathering.. My males are all very vocal usually from a very young age so my guess for yours would be a female... But I have on rare occasions had a male act like yours.. Honestly it's rare but I would guess female by your description. Beautiful bird by the way <3


New member
Jul 27, 2015
Bananas - Cockatiel; 1.5yo F
Unnamed - Parakeet; ? ?
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Thanks :) I'm leaving towards female as well. Especially now that I have a male and can see the difference in them. He's very vocal and bananas hardly even chirps. He never hisses at me, though threatens to but me, but he's new still.


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Here's some info. Hope it helps. Sexing Cockatiels - Just Cockatiels!

If you still aren't sure, doing the DNA and sending in feathers is simple. It's several breast feathers they want. If you do it fast and act like it's not a big deal, Bananas is not going to freak out. You can apologize after ;). Btw, Bananas is such a cute name for a cute bird.


New member
Jul 27, 2015
Bananas - Cockatiel; 1.5yo F
Unnamed - Parakeet; ? ?
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I've looked at that website but it's still hard to tell.
I'm swaying away from DNA serving for now. When I introduce my two tiels I figure I'll find out the gender somehow, lol. She's so quiet though, in thinking she definitely a she or else an odd male. But it wouldn't make much sense for her to be quiet considering she was previously housed with other males (before I got her.)

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