Strange new obsession


Active member
Sep 3, 2011
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Knoxville, TN
Blue Crown Conures: Tootsie and Rosco.
Senegal Parrot: Sidney.

Feathers of the past:
Budgies: Sunshine, Digit, Kiwi, and Yahto.
Senegal Parrot: Kelly.
"Fly free, little ones. Love and miss you."
Old birds can be....strange.

Tootsie has developed this weird obsession for "tonguing" the fabric of my couch. Yesterday she stayed up on the back for hours going back and forth. I'd pick her up and send her back to her cage or playpen and she would come right back. She always has had this thing for tonguing things. Usually it was my arm or leg. But this is new. No chewing or anything destructive. Just tonguing. Such a strange critter she has become in her advanced years.

[ame=""]Weird obsession. - YouTube[/ame]
Skittles has a 'fabric fetish'. He likes the feel of fabric. Your bird is probably the same way. Likes the way certain textures feel on his tongue.

Beautiful bird though. Is that a Gilbert?
Booger has a fabric fetish too. Let him get on an unmade bed or a pile of clothes and watch the show begin. He goes bonkers over, under, around and thru.. and it looks like sheer joy. And its a challenge to get him off it. He is FAST
Booger has a fabric fetish too. Let him get on an unmade bed or a pile of clothes and watch the show begin. He goes bonkers over, under, around and thru.. and it looks like sheer joy. And its a challenge to get him off it. He is FAST

Yep! They are fast. Must be funny though, someone says to you, - "do you have a towel anywhere? "Sure, but look out, there might be a Booger in there!" LOL

Skittles will slide the side of his head on them and then switch sides. He makes a 'purrring noise' followed by a 'squeak'. It's so cute!
Not licking but Pazu likes chewing fabric, no destruction, no tearing it up. Just chewing, and looking very happy as he does. That's anything from clothes to blankets.
That's cute. At least she is just exploring and not tearing the fabric apart! I think she thinks she is a doggy. :)
Beautiful bird though. Is that a Gilbert?

That is one of two Gilbert type birds that share my life. Tootsie has been with me for over 15 years and she is over 30 years old now. The other is her buddy, Rosco. Blue crowns are funny birds.
I love that she is over 30 and still going strong. I hope to have the opportunity to have my bird that long!!
She is definitely showing her age. Getting a little weird mentally, has an internal nare issue which causes a near constant nasal discharge, getting a little scruffy looking, tail is permanently splayed opened up some, her "poop chute" does not quite work right, and she is getting a little slow and arthritic. But with all that, she still seems to enjoy a good quality of life and seems happy. Even if she complains loudly...a lot.... I'm expecting her to go for a few more years before she winds down. Having younger Rosco around injected new vigor into her too which is nice to see.

It makes me happy these guys can live so long. People usually are shocked when I tell them how old she is. I say 30 because that is as best as I can figure. She could be older because I think she is a wild caught bird. The band she used to have was traced to an import station in Florida. I can account for 25 of her years and know she had at least two homes before she was adopted by my brother then came to me.

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