

Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
So I've been really pushing myself to work with the macaws at work to get over my fear of them (who isn't scared of those big chompers?? I've watched them open enough walnuts to know what they could do to my hand)

First semi-success was Crackers. A 12 year old military macaw. She's hated me since the day I started working but I decided to really buckle down and work on her. Now she let's me pet her and will even step up sometimes. And the bluffing displays have stopped.

Then there's harlee. We were told she's a harelquinn macaw but there's some debate if she's that or a Catalina. i don't really know how to tell the difference between them so if you guys have any idea please let me know!


We got this beauty at the store awhile ago as a rescue. We know little to nothing about her and she's quite the character. She is a great dancer and is very curious. She isn't aggressive but she isn't entirely friendly either and doesn't step up. She's very much a weird grey area. I had a massive success with her today though. I sat in her aviary for a good 20 minutes just sweetly and softly talking to her and she just... sticks her foot out in a typical "I'd like to step up now please" fashion so, I put my arm up and let her on. She did super good, I brought her to one of the stands we have and let her own out for a bit. When it came time to put her back I just stuck my arm out and she nipped me a couple times (but not very hard, could have been a lot worse but I don't think it'll even leave a bruise) before relenting and stepping up. Now at this point she usually tries to fly away because she doesn't want to go back into the aviary but she just sat on my arm and was very good. I'd call this a massive win. I'm going to continue to work with her so she can hopefully find a nice loving home.
If you look at a Blue and gold you can see she's a morph of them. If you look at a pic of a Harlequin there much different.

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Yay! Good for you :) I'm trying to manage my trepidation about macaw beaks and finally take out the lonely neighbourhood macaw for a walk. Poor thing won't ever be able to fly and just sits on a plain metal perch all day with nothing but its chain and seeds. I need to take a leaf from your book and just do it soon!!

They're absolutely gorgeous, aren't they? Even though I'd never free-fly, I love watching them spread their stunning wings and take to the skies.
Harlequin macaw has more red belly, catalina more orange
Thank you , Rosalka . Was in a rush to get out the door this morning and didn't do a good job with the description. She like looks like such a sweetheart.

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Nice job working with her, it only increases her chances of going to a good home! You are a regular 'parrot whisperer' !!

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