Sugar has started plucking


Active member
Mar 27, 2023
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Knoxville, TN
One Goffins cockatoo. I would love more but she hates other birds!
I have had Sugar since March 16. I have no problems with her at all. But a couple of days ago she started plucking her feathers. She hasnā€™t plucked herself bald or anything but it still concerns me. I havenā€™t changed anything in her cage and she always has free roaming privileges in the house. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why she might have started this? She also isnā€™t hormonal right now. Thanks!
Does Sugar already have a history with plucking or barbering?

If not, Iā€™d take her to an avian vet for a blood test just to make sure the problem isnā€™t medical.
Sheā€™s had a history of both but not since Iā€™ve had her. Sheā€™s been to the vet twice. The first time to be fully worked upā€¦bloodwork etc. The second time for a DNA test. He did a thorough physical exam also both times and noted the past plucking and barbering with first visit.
Okay then thereā€™s nothing medically wrong?

My green cheek Tom barbers his tummy feathers despite having lots of enrichment.
Iā€™ve found hiding seeds or his favorite treats in his toys occupied his mind for a good while.

I also recommend herbal teas. I give my birds either chamomile/rose hip/hibiscus/calendula/or a hormone blend from Bird Brews.
I give it 1-2 times a week.

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