Hello! I hope you're all having a great day. So I'm posting this thread to seek help. So recently I've just got my sun conure (like a week ago) And I really want to build a bond with him, I've started the basics (staying next to him while he's in his cage, talking to him gently, giving him millet e.t.c) 3 days ago we started step up training with sun flower seeds. When he sees the sun flower seed and I put my finger in front of him, he will step up on my finger, take the seed and he goes right back to his cage. If I don't have a sunflower seed he won't step up. Does anybody know what to do at that stage? He doesn't bite, sometimes he doesn't mind my hand being close to him and sometimes he's a bit scared and will go a few steps back. I understand that I have to go at my bird's pace but Idk what to do to make him know that my hand is 100% safe. For context he is with my green cheeked conure who is tamed and I have a great bond with him, they're both males. The sun conure is 4 years old while the green cheeked conure is 10 months old. They're both on a seeds and pellet diet and I give them vegetables and fruits but they mostly eat seeds and pellets. They're in a big cage with a lot of toys and perches. Would mean a lot if you could help me on how to bond with my sun conure!
Sun conure is named Rio and GGC is named Yuko
Sun conure is named Rio and GGC is named Yuko