Thinking of getting an eclectus



New member
Aug 26, 2012
None at the moment but would love an eclectus parrot
,R.I.P to my Galah, Ban-Jo
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*or rain water :D as long as its filtered for house use and such of course

I love eclectuses and if you do your research and can maintain your care (and their diet) for their whole life commitment there is no reason for me to tell you not to get one. I assume you are still at home, so it is important your whole family is as excited as you seem to be about getting a parrot. Even if they will technically and officially be yours, parrots have a way of taking over the whole household, and whether they like it or not your family members will have to play a part in that.

another thing of note is that you'll have to be prepared to wake up early in the mornings to give any parrot brekkie. for the rest of its life. even on weekends when you wouldn't have woken up anyway. Ekkies have a specific diet, and birds in general have times of the day they just seem to eat more. It is also good to keep a parrot healthy if it gets a routine sleeping pattern as well, waking up on time as well as going to bed on time is important for this.
(some parrots are known to scream for you if you're late for their brekkie, -although pickle sits there quiet as a mouse until you take his cover off, no matter what the time is. and then greets you with a "peek-a-boo") ^-^

Also, with eclectuses in Australia, (i dont know what state you are in) but you should check if you require a licence to keep one.
I know that in NSW you do, no matter what subspecies you get, but here in SA you dont need a licence unless you have the specifically Australian subspecies (which generally isnt the domestically bred one anyway), and if you own another animal on the list of liscenced animals..

Generally liscences aren't hard to get really, you just need to find the right website for your state to get the application, give them details, a little money, and say that you don't have any criminal or animal abuse history. :)

I've done so much research, I can't find anymore on the internet or books :p But I have to say, the whole 2 years I was looking and researching these birds, I've found out more on here then I have anywhere :D

And yes, My Nonno loves birds as do my family members because they had a galah for many many years (He was a rescue and couldn't fly). My Nonno adored him and so did everyone, although my Dad had a love/hate relationship with Cocky as Dad would taunt him and Cocky would chase after his feet and dive :p But Dad was a kid then!

And yes, even though i'm not getting the eclectus until next spring, I'm already slowly and gradually cutting back my morning time! I've wanted to become an early riser so bad but I never followed through because I got tired and bored but i'll have some fun (or grumpiness :p ) to wake up to so i'll have a good reason :)

And I live in VIC so i'm not sure if I need a licence! I'll have to find out :) And awesome, I'll defiantly have to check!

Thank you!


New member
Aug 18, 2012
Sydney Australia
2 budgies and 1 male eclectus
Hi Ashleigh! My name is Kim and I live in Australia with my husband, cat and male eckie
'boogie'. I bought boogie from a reputable breeder as a baby 5 years ago, and it has changed my life! I have never owned a bird before, and like you, did LOTS of research before deciding on an eclectus, I have a friend who has a female, which is what got me interested in purchasing a bird in the first place. She is gorgeous, but quite aggressive, especially when nesting, so this prompted me to go for the male. Boogie and I go everywhere together, he is clipped, so we go to the supermarket, bank, walks in the park. I own a cafe in Sydney and he comes to work with me too ( he has a 'work' cage at the cafe) and all my customers adore him, he yells out HI! WHERE'S MY COFFEE! And has everyone in stitches most if the time, his vocab is large as people come up to him all day and whistle or chat to him...I highly recommend a male eclectus, only because of the wonderful experience I have had so far...good on you for doing all the research, we, as thier guardians, should provide the best and most comfortable life for our feathered friends...good luck!


New member
Aug 26, 2012
None at the moment but would love an eclectus parrot
,R.I.P to my Galah, Ban-Jo
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Hi Ashleigh! My name is Kim and I live in Australia with my husband, cat and male eckie
'boogie'. I bought boogie from a reputable breeder as a baby 5 years ago, and it has changed my life! I have never owned a bird before, and like you, did LOTS of research before deciding on an eclectus, I have a friend who has a female, which is what got me interested in purchasing a bird in the first place. She is gorgeous, but quite aggressive, especially when nesting, so this prompted me to go for the male. Boogie and I go everywhere together, he is clipped, so we go to the supermarket, bank, walks in the park. I own a cafe in Sydney and he comes to work with me too ( he has a 'work' cage at the cafe) and all my customers adore him, he yells out HI! WHERE'S MY COFFEE! And has everyone in stitches most if the time, his vocab is large as people come up to him all day and whistle or chat to him...I highly recommend a male eclectus, only because of the wonderful experience I have had so far...good on you for doing all the research, we, as thier guardians, should provide the best and most comfortable life for our feathered friends...good luck!

Yeah, for a year I research a ton of birds and then for a couple more year I researched the eclectus and fell in love with them! And yeah, the only thing is I've heard females are more independent which would be better for me at the moment because I have to go to school (bird will be out while I'm home so probably out of the cage for about 4-6 hours depending) and your male eclectus sounds adorable, just hearing about him makes me love him!
Haha thanks, good luck with boogie as well!

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