timneh hated me!!! :O


New member
Sep 7, 2009
sunny uk :D
timneh african grey
Hi there,
I was hoping someone would be able to help me. Yesterday we purchased a timneh african grey. Hes about 3 years old, and is really lovely, with my boyfriend, but when it comes to me he's totally different. He will step up onto my boyfriends hand no trouble but if i try to make him step up he just tries to bite me and screams at me.

He will be out of his cage most of the day whilst my bf is at work, and today he been ok he doesnt fly at me to attack me or anything, he just doesnt seem to want me to go anywhere near him.

I've given him treats to try and entice him but he's so stubborn. I really don't know what to do, and we can't keep him if he is going to be like this.

Someone PLEASE help me. My boyfriend doesn't know that i'm posting on here but i'm serious, i can't keep a bird that doesn't like me. Also i would have thought he'd be better with me coz the owner we got him off was female. Anyway please help.

Thank you in advance.

You've had it for ONE DAY and you expect him to be bonded with you?!

Please find the bird a new home, you are not a suitable bird owner.
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No need to be so harsh of course i expected some sort of aggression, but i was quizzed as to why he was so good towards my partner.

Geez i came on here and asked for your advice on how i can train him not to bite me.

I am just asking if he will bond with me. I no that it takes time, i just want to know if him behaving in this certain way is a sign that he wont bond at all or anything.

Also this bird will be very well cared for, he is already getting all of our attention. All i wanted was advice as i am a first time owner, for future reference so i know what to expect. How do i learn him he can trust me?
Someone PLEASE help me. My boyfriend doesn't know that i'm posting on here but i'm serious, i can't keep a bird that doesn't like me. Also i would have thought he'd be better with me coz the owner we got him off was female. Anyway please help.

I think what was upsetting was that it sounded like your ready to give up your bird because your not his favorite right off...

It will take time to get your parrot to trust you try and see what his or hers favorite food and if she does something good give her the treat. Its will be harder to gain the birds trust but not impossible. Watch its eyes when you go to touch it if they go big and small right away move away the bird is going to bite. It will take time African greys bond for life and when people get rid of it the bird gets very upset. If its going to be your bird talk to it and make sure your there feeding and taking care of him he'll bond sooner or later just takes time. African Greys are one person birds and very shy birds.
Yes, I was harsh.... but it was honest.

Your expectations are unrealistic. Before you can change anything about the birds behavior you have to change your attitude and approach. Hopefully Dranger and other members will be able to help with that.
I bet you are young and expect an instant response from the bird. This will not happen. As others have told you it takes time to bond with a bird and a person. The rewards are many and it does not sound like you have the patience to be a parrot guardian. I agree you should give the bird back so he can be placed in an environment that will be more suitable. oneandonlybonny

Junior Member
Parrots: timneh african grey
when it comes to parrots, things ARE NOT going to happen overnight. maybe not a week, or a month, maybe 6 months or more. they are wild animals, not domesticated like a dog or cat. if you don't have the patience & knowledge, you should not have gotten this bird. there is NO excuse today for not getting information. it's at everyone's fingertips. you made an impulse buy. i'll bet you got this bird because people told you gray's are great talkers. soldier up, get info & take proper care of this bird. if not, give it to someone who can. there are so many birds out there. adoption would have been a better option rather than purchasing.

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