Two years later and I made an aweful discovery about Ember's former vet.


Mar 29, 2017
British Columbia
None for now.
Is there any place to rant?

I recently made a discovery about the events surrounding the death of my parrot two years ago.
I feel it is important to share, but I don't want to post it in an inappropriate place.
Re: Is there any place to rant?

Share away, and perhaps the insight will help others down the road!
Re: Is there any place to rant?

I think it's importance to share, and to get it off your chest. Especially if it's something to help prevent happenings to others. Or for us to support you with your greif. So yes please share
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Re: Is there any place to rant?

I think it's importance to share, and to get it off your chest. Especially if it's something to help prevent happenings to others. Or for us to support you with your greif. So yes please share

I guess I should share in bereavement or? This is from two years ago so I'm a little confused to where would be appropriate. Keeping in mind the two places I can think of are about letting your feathered friends pass on with quiet dignity
Re: Is there any place to rant?

I'll be happy to move this thread to the Bereavement Forum if you'd like?
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Re: Is there any place to rant?

I'll be happy to move this thread to the Bereavement Forum if you'd like?

If you feel this is appropriate there. Then I'd be just fine with posting a new thread there. I just didn't want to tread in the wrong place.
Thank you for your reply.
Re: Is there any place to rant?

I'll be happy to move this thread to the Bereavement Forum if you'd like?

If you feel this is appropriate there. Then I'd be just fine with posting a new thread there. I just didn't want to tread in the wrong place.
Thank you for your reply.

You don't need to start a new thread, I'll just move this one.
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For those of you just coming into this. I'll catch you up.
Two years ago my eclectus parrot passed on. prior to this, I had found an injury on her leg that was looking pretty bad, and a feather plucking issue. I brought her to a vet who claimed to have experience with birds.
I should have seen the red flags when he started off by refusing to screen for anything worse than mites.
Each appointment we had, he prescribed an antibacterial soap and told me not to let the wound scab over, keep it raw. (red flag number two.)
I left the moment he decided amputation would be the next step if there was no improvement.
Took her to a new vet, it turned out there was some kind of calcium growth in her leg, and if it spread it would kill her. We found out a day too late. She fell to the bottom of her cave, and was basically dying when we got her to the vet. We had to euthanize.

This leads me to why I am posting today. After the loss of Ember, I posted reviews and warned as many people I could have away from the hack that claimed to specialize in birds. One such review was left on google. Admittedly it was poorly worded. But I will post it. I'd like to note.
My end
"If you're looking for an Avian vet NOT HERE. Their 'specialist' wouldn't even handle the bird. Prescribed some general antibiotic and an expensive as hell soap. And to make matters worse, refused to do bloodwork, or any sort exploratory measures for my parrot. The final straw was when he stated that he'd amputate her leg if he thought it would get any worse. This so called 'vet' is a quak. Don't take your birdy here please! Go to Tri-lake."
Well. Unbeknownst to me. They responded. With lies. I will sensor the name but nothing else.
We are so sorry that you had such a negative experience at our hospital. Unfortunately there are a number of untruths and inaccuracies noted in your review.

Dr. BLANK did discuss and advise that bloodwork and biopsies should be done on your bird but you declined/refused to have these tests done. He did the best that he could for your bird given the limitations and restrictions imposed by yourself. He also did handle and fully examined your bird during the appointments.

The 'expensive as hell soap' cost you $2.00 plus tax.

I am not sure why you neglected to seek out repeat medical attention for your bird for 7 months if her condition was not getting any better or worse. The last time we saw your bird was October 2016....Hopefully she will make a full recovery despite this.

We are very pleased that you have found another veterinary hospital to go to.

Dr. (Jack ship)"

THIS is a lie. To reiterate I requested blood work and screening from day one. The vet refused.
His form of "handling" My bird was half haphazardly and nervously holding her at arms length or towling her and handing her to an assistant or myself.
The soap was far more expensive than that. I'll have to find the receipt but I know it wasn't $2.00.
Finally, the only way the clinic could have known I was the one who posted that review, is if they dug into her records. Because as they said, I hadn't stopped in for six months. I never mentioned the birds name, and it wasn't my own name I posted under, but my google account.
I left to go to another vet. As amputation should never be an option before screening.
Had I found this post two years ago, I would have taken legal action. But I only found it today. I am furious.
If you are in the Okanagan in Canada. Avoid Rutland "Veterinary clinic" like the plague.
Go to Tri-Lake. The vets know what they're doing there. And won't lie about you.
My deepest condolences for your loss of Ember. The passing of a beloved companion is amplified with revelation incompetence played a role. Even the most seasoned and skilled certified avian vets can err, but assuming responsibility helps soothe the rage.
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Thanks. Again this was two years ago, I mostly healed. This just tore a new hole in me y'know? I've read other reviews and it looks as though this is a regular thing for the office. It looks as though they mark up a lot of prices. And have little empathy. It angers me they're still in business.
Do you know if they have avian certified veterinarians? Many practices advertise care of "exotics" to include birds, reptiles, rodents, etc. Unless properly educated and equipped, they are not the optimal source of vet care for birds.

If they are not, posting unfavorable reviews touting their lack of certification may be a justifiable avenue of complaint.
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I don't remember if he was ever certified as an avian vet. I was told they only had one vet who 'saw birds'. The reaction of Ember's second vet (The one at a different clinic) Makes me think he wasn't. As she was very sceptical of his diagnosis. I remember her asking for his name, and stating that she'd "Recommend he not take on any more birds". Which makes me think he was not.
I'm more upset that he lied about the interactions as a whole. I know for a fact I requested further testing than a mite screening and he refused.
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The major heartache of life is the strength of 20/20 hindsight and the nagging pain of the "I should have sensed something was wrong."

Sadly, with life, we pick-up most of what we learn by experiencing and with hope, we learn from these experiences. This process has growth attached to it, sadly it also comes with pain and loss.

To avoid such, we seek out professionals that (with hope) concentrate they're learning and continual to seek out further knowledge in their profession. Along the way, we come across those that cheat the system and as a result cause great harm to their clients.

Vets are either by State or Region authorized to practice within its jurisdiction. There is oversight within each and complaint can be made to that group. With numbers, the group will intercede and review the complaints. With well written complaints, Vets have had their license pulled and/or the scope of work reduced under that license.

I recommend that you search out that oversight committee in your area and with other that have likewise suffered make complaint to the group.

Over my long life, I have learned much about the care and loving of Amazon Parrots. My knowledge today greatly overshadows what I knew when I was much younger. The horror of 20/20 hindsight is: "if I only knew what I do today, I could have provide a bit longer life for my Amazons and: "It is a pain that never really goes away." The longer you live, the more we carrier. We can easy the load a bit at a time by sharing the knowledge gained in the hopes of providing another a chance of avoiding the heartache...

May your memory of your Sweetheart provide you the strength to continue what you are doing at this moment. Remember her and in her memory, assure that others do not have to suffer...
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Thank you. That is sound advice. I just wonder if I'm not too late. I found their response two years after relevance. Doesn't make it hurt any less.
I remember when Ember passed away and your heartache then. I did make my usual donation in his name to Cornell University's Vet program expressly to be used on parrot related studies and programs, in the hope that more vets take the courses needed to effectively and safely treat parrots. Ember is remembered.

But please don't feel Salty about this incident, Salty would be hurt to know your using his name to express sadness and rage. :)
Thank you. That is sound advice. I just wonder if I'm not too late. I found their response two years after relevance. Doesn't make it hurt any less.

It only becomes to late if you no longer feel the pain...
I sense, that is not the case, so a couple of years is by no means; Too Late...

My Amazon Hill, a resting place for our Amazons is a constant source of remembrances that challenges me everyday to learn more and provide more...

It Is Never Too Late! Especially if you proceed out of the Loving Memory of your Dear Feathered Love. The foundation should always be in her Loving Memory and never out of hate.
I am very sorry for your loss and awful experience.

I hope venting and hearing from others will hopefully ease your pain a little. :heart:
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Please apologies to Salty on my behalf. I never meant to take his name in vein.
I did come here to vent the issue. I'm more hurt that they lied about the appointment then assumed I hadn't moved my bird to another clinic. Essentially I feel like they were trying to gaslight future readers on the review.
That hurts. I lost Ember to something that we might have been able to catch if he'd just done those tests I asked for. So for him to lie about that specific part? That hurt.
Your donation to prevent such things from happening was the most meaningful gift anyone has ever given for us. My husband and I both appreciate it to no end. I just needed to share this update.

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