ugh today and yesterday have been horrible.


New member
Feb 1, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
|Cockatiels:Tara and Shylo|
Budgies:Fresca and Domino|
Senegal Parrot: Kayto|
Yesterday and Today it has been so crazy at school. Let me start with yesterday.

Before lunch some guy in the metal(tech) shop room decided to try and burn/melt MAGNESIUM. Well for those that have taken science you will know what happens. Anyway for those who don't know what happens when you try and light magnesium, pretty much it bursts up in smoke and flames. So the Tech room was filled with smoke. Meanwhile the rest of the school was in classes a then finally the fire alarm goes off, everyone goes outside on to the field (like normal fire drill procedure). Anyway so we had to wait out side for about 2-3 hours. There was 3 firetrucks, 2 ambulances(for the people that were in the room it was just safety thing in case they got like smoke poisoned or something like that.) So yesterday i blew my day sitting outside in the rain text messaging my friends at my old school on my phone and really doing nothing since i left my backpack and ally my books inside. It was on the news even last night.

Now for today - Fun, fun, fun!

Well every year at i think every school the grads(grade 12s) pull a prank on the whole school. Now since today was the last full day of school it was prank day. I'm actually surprised no one remembered, even i had totally forgotten. Well anyway so today at lunch the grads started this big ass food fight in the cafeteria. Now if the grads were smart they would have just left it at that, but let me tell you, they aren't smart. It completely got out of hand. They let mice go, LIVE MICE!. I felt so bad for the mice i wanted to just go and save all of them because i knew the school would either kill them, or let them go outside. And since those mice were most likely pet store mice they wouldn't survive either way. So everyones freaking out because not only is there flying food and drinks going everywhere but live mice running around as well. So the school made everyone wait outside while the grads and teachers and staff cleaned it all up. There was about 20 mice that got let free and only about 3 survived. And one of the 3 i know is not going to make it because one of the staff members let it outside! What a idiot! Its going to die outside its a pet store mouse it cant look after it self. Another teacher put one in a shoe box. Some kid managed to get another and he said he was going to take it home, how he got it through the day without people knowing i have no idea. He said he was going to put it in his backpack which i know it will not last long in there. Unless maybe he has an old Tupperware container and punched wholes in it and then it might work. So theres two crazy days that i had to sit outside doing nothing pretty much. The only plus side is that i missed P.E. (YAY!).

Sorry that i'm carrying on but i just had to vent out here. Today has not been good. It almost brought me to tears about the mice.
Try and detatch yourself from the plight of the mice.
What ever happens to them will be brief and as nature intended.
Mice are food for a higher rung of life on the food chain.

Spend more time thinking about the food that could have fed people who needed it, less than 5 kilometres from where idiots were throwing it at each other.
You dont need to go far in any direction in any city in the world to find a hungry kid. The mice have a better chance some days.
English sir!!! LOL

oh wait she will under stand... she is from Canada :D

Hey you know how they came up with the name canada dont you...
ok ok here we go...
Two guys who wondered up north and one of them said
"hey new land, what should we name it?" and the other guy said
"well, lets pick some letters and see how it goes from there."
So the first man goes "C, aye"
and the second mans goes "N, aye"
and the first man said lastly "D, aye"

ok, sorry. I camp with a lot of canadians and a couple 8 yr olds told me that one.... they were to cute too
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ha good one... darkchi....
I say eh alot.. :D

ya they made the whole entire grad class apologise to the whole school for getting it out out of hand. They only intended it to be a food fight a then some other people got mice, others got water balloons and etc. it was just crazy.
I hope today is being a better one for you than yesterday was. :D
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ya yesterday was better, today i have an exam. But at least they'll be no mice running around.
Mice could survive fine in wild. I know there are countlesss black bunnies on the farm where Zac is some pet done good. Cats go ferel pretty well. And look at all the parrots that have formed gangs eh!! Anyhoo they are far more intelligent than us...if uv read hitch hikers guide u will know we are part of their experiment....yiy 47
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Thanks it was actually really easy. I have a few more next week athen im done till september! YAY! and in the summer im getting a job and and that means i will be oh so close to getting a senegal!!!!!!!! yay. :)
I hope you have luck finding a job, don't know what the job situation is like where you are, but here they are very few and far between, Jemma has been looking for one now for nearly a year with no luck. Good luck with the rest of your exams. :D

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