Uglow woke up with a runny nose


New member
Jan 19, 2016
Hi guys,
Uglow woke up with a runny nose today.

Sneezed a few times while we weighed him.
Called vet,closed. Called the emergency vet and after discussing his behavior and appearance he decided it was safe for Uglow to be monitored at home today. I'll take him in to his regular vet tomorrow morning.
So his weight is the same, he's eating like a champ, he isn't fluffed up, he's chatty, his molted feathers are growing in and he's active. All good signs.

he hasn't been around any other birds since we brought him home and the temp has been a solid 75-80 in the house. Can't imagine it's a cold but I have no experience with this.

If you guys have any suggestions until his vet visit tomorrow please share away.
My first reaction is normally "don't stress". Everyone has a little runny nose now and then. I've seen it with Parker but it goes away in a matter of a few hours. Bodily functions happen.

Keep us updated :)
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Thanks Chris.
So far so good. Still a bit moist there but not as much as this morning. The vet also asked how his breathing was. It doesn't seem forced or anything. Wonder if it's a new pollen floating around.
Hope Uglow gets better soon and that it is just a passing aggravation of some kind. Hopefully all will go well with your vet visit but its a good sign when he is improving and thst there is no laboured breathing with it.Get Well soon Uglow :)
Vets have told me that certain contagions can pass from humans to birds and back... avian TB, for example.

Buttttt... when he was young (2 years or less) the Rickeybird would get a runny nose now and then, for a few hours...

By the way, that picture is wonderful!!!
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Thanks guys. Well his runny nose has cleared up and he's devastated his newest toy. Cautiously, he seems to be ok. I'm still calling the vet tomorrow to see what he says.

Thanks for the info guys. I had no idea that they could get a runny nose and then it would clear up on it's own.
Eccy's can be very sensitive that way. It could be the weather or a little dust in the air. My girl sometimes gets a runny nose and it'll be gone the next day :)
Great pic, even if he is a bit under the weather. Hope he feels better soon so you can quit worrying!
This has happened with Jasper a few times, and when I called the vet they told me not to bring him in. To just watch and see if it continued or not. Sure enough it cleared up really quickly.

She told me sometimes it can just be dust or something in their nose, low humidity, etc. So unless it's persistent, shouldn't be anything to worry about.

(And Jasper has been fine after the couple times it happened!)
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Thanks guys. Seemed to have been a passing thing. it had cleared up by mid morning. After the chat with the vet this morning he suggested not to bring him in and to just keep an eye on him. Thanks again.
So glad it was fleeting. I learned quickly not to panic at every minor thing (admittedly I think forum participation contributes to this), sit back and just observe.
Salty had a runny nose for a few days, like 2 months after we got him . His was Def NOT just a little runny nose. It took weeks to clear it up, with a few nasal flushes thrown in
Glad to hear that Uglow's runny mose hss cleared up and that he is okay and back to himself again :)
I missed your post, I'm glad to see that he went through it quickly and is back to normal. Love the picture.
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Thanks guys. Yeah, he hasn't had any more issues since then. Wish I know what caused it.

Salty had a runny nose for a few days, like 2 months after we got him . His was Def NOT just a little runny nose. It took weeks to clear it up, with a few nasal flushes thrown in

So was it just allergies or a cold? Glad cleared up for Salty. :)

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