Unexpected Death


Jan 11, 2025
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2 green cheek conures (Miko female pineapple & Duckie male yellow sided turquoise )
My female green cheek Miko died suddenly and unexpectedly tonight. I’m in shock, I let her and her mate out for their daily out of cage time. They’re usually out for about 30 mins then they go back to the cage on their own. She has 7 eggs (layed 11 total from 1/4-1/29 four of them we destroyed) She somehow got stuck behind/between the sofa & wall. Will the male attempt to sit on the eggs once he realizes she isn’t coming back? I feel like the answer is no but I’m certainly no expert (this was her first clutch and not planned)

RIP Mikolaja Aaron 10/30/21-1/30/25 fly high my pineapple princess
I'm so very sorry. I always feel like crying and often do when a PF member loses a bird. Each of our babies is precious and loved more than most can imagine. I feel like I knew Miko from your posts. I also mourn for her mate left behind. He loved her too.
He is very unlikely to sit on the eggs. You could try to hatch and raise her babies yourself. That's what I would do but I have experience with eggs and babies.
I’m really sorry for your loss. I’m sure you are in shock still. I hope you are able to get everything figured out with the eggs, and the mate left behind. I’ll keep you in my thoughts.
If you need any help or advice if you decide to try to raise her babies please reach out and I'd be happy to try to guide you through the process.
Miko was sitting on some of the eggs in the morning for approximately 3 days before her untimely demise. She would be on them in the morning when i would uncover the cage. (I don’t know how much time she was sitting on them during the night) she did not sit on them constantly. I candles the eggs and no signs on 4 of them (#11 def looks non viable, yolk is at the top) 2 of them have a very small faint red spot.

I am thinking about trying to incubate them (can I do it w/ a lamp? What type?)
No lamp! The embroyos are very trmpersyure sensitive and a couple dregrees too warm you will kill them and too cool and they wint develop. If you want to incubate them you must get an incubator for $50 on Amazon. JANOEL-12 is the one I have. Once you have the incubator it's easy.
I am so sorrowful. I feel as if I knew Miko, too. I have no expertise to offer, only care and support. I'm so glad you're here. Miko passed while loved and treasured... that's a great treasure, and one that so any birds don't have. Thank you for sharing.
No lamp! The embroyos are very trmpersyure sensitive and a couple dregrees too warm you will kill them and too cool and they wint develop. If you want to incubate them you must get an incubator for $50 on Amazon. JANOEL-12 is the one I have. Once you have the incubator it's easy.
I did get an incubator. Took me a few days I’m actually setting it up now.. hopefully it’s not too late
Great. Keep the temperature at 98 to 99F. Any warmer can kill the embryos. Put a small cup of water in the incubator for humidity.
As long as the eggs are fertile (which hasn't been determined yet) I read that sitting at room temperature for even a week will not prevent them from beginning to grow. Does your incubator have an egg turning mechanism? If not, you will need to turn them yourself several times a day.
Awww maaan.. it's gut-wrenching reading a forum member's bird has passed, no matter the reason! Here's hoping you'll have viable eggs and potentially babies :)
Sorry I haven’t been replying. It’s been busy here (I also homeschool my 12 & 13 yr old, this has been a great learning experience) Duckster has been doing very well, he’s actually been much more social w/ us now. The incubator does have an automatic turner but the eggs are too small so I removed the rollers and turn the eggs by hand. They’ve been in since Tuesday morning I actually just candles them and we have two heartbeats!! (I was worried these particular ones were dead because they had a red ring/circle) 2 have a very faint red spot and 3 have nothing at the moment. It’s very exciting
Very exciting! Just keep on doing what youre doing.
I don't know how often to turn the eggs because my incubator did it for me but I imagine every few hours is enough. It's to prevent the embryo from sticking to one side. A few days before hatching they say to stop turning them.
It's hard to tell if an egg stops developing. I recommend you only check every four days because you'll make yourself crazy analyzing them daily.

The fun part is when they're due to hatch and chirp from inside the shell! (They don't always) The first budgie I hatched did that and I almost had a heart attack when I heard it. I ran out of the bathroom where I was candling it and screamed "there's a bird inside this egg and it's chirping!" Six hours later, Rocky hatched with no assistance at all and I started raising my first baby. It was the most amazing experience of my life to raise her from a little pink gummy to a beautiful budgie. The last baby I raised a few months ago chirped from the egg but was taking a long time to hatch after she broke a couple holes in the shell and I didn't want her to get exhausted so I used a pair of tweezers to break off some bits of shell to help her out of the egg. She was ready, did great, and is now 4 months old and a happy healthy budgie.

I hope you get Miko's babies to carry on her memory. It would be such a blessing. Do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions as the Big Days get closer.
Take a photo of your incubator. ID like to see what it looks like. Are you planning on raising rhe babies in the incubator or moving them to a brooder?
What are you going to do with all those BABIES? You may have several. You're going to have a blast raising all of them. You'll sleep next summer!
Whatever you do, please don't feed them with a syringe! I've heard of too many babies dying that way. I love the syringe-spoons I got on Amazon. So safe and easy.
Take a photo of your incubator. ID like to see what it looks like. Are you planning on raising rhe babies in the incubator or moving them to a brooder?
Keep them in the incubator for a couple/few weeks because im thinking until they get feathers and are so small it will be the warmest safest place for them then move them to a brooder. I’m thinking a heat lamp in a box or plastic tote.
What are you going to do with all those BABIES? You may have several. You're going to have a blast raising all of them. You'll sleep next summer!
Whatever you do, please don't feed them with a syringe! I've heard of too many babies dying that way. I love the syringe-spoons I got on Amazon. So safe and easy.
i plan on adopting them out. Thanks for the tip on syringes!! My husband and I will be taking shifts on feeding. So far we have 3 heartbeats


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Please don't try to raise chicks in a tote with a heat lamp or heating pad before they get any feathers. You can burn or cook them so easily! Chicks like small cozy places (think tree hollow or nestboxes) so your small incubator would be fine for raising them for the first few weeks until they get enough down and feathers to stay warm. At that point they can be moved to a small plastic tote without a heat source unless your home is quite cold. Smaller is better than larger because their bodies can produce enough heat to keep a small tote warm and cozy.

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