Update on Jello


Sep 3, 2014
Ontario, Canada
1 Lutino Peachfaced Lovebird named Jello
So I have been using the saline solution on Jello's eye 4 or more times yesterday and today. Its looking very bruised and still swollen, but she is able to open an close it. I believe she is also able to see out of it. She is acting completely normal - eating, drinking, singing and doing her "itchy, scritchy happy dance" with me.
Keeping appt with vet in morning so I can get proper antibiotic drops/cream for it. Here's a current pic - she looks like shes got a huge black eye from all the blood that rushed to the damaged area. I now think the scratch was bery close to her eye, but not on her eye.


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Well the first 24-48 hours is usually the most critical, so it looks really good at this point... those are all good signs.

The vet will want to do a blood test to check for signs of infection.
Thank you for updating us! Please let us know how she does at the vet.

She looks just like my little "Buddy" (female lovebird) did. Makes me miss my little fluffy yellow velociraptor :p She really did not like me heh
Good luck at the vet today!!

Jello appears to be one very tough lovebird. Fingers and toes are crossed for both of you that he'll fully recover in no time flat. :)
Hang in there!

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