

New member
Dec 6, 2006
Albany, NY
Cricket -C.A.G
Ok... my vet is back from having her baby and its time for Cricket to get some blood work... well I should say attempt at getting it again.
Thinking I will also get her(him) sexed along with beak and nail trim (if she needs it)

Mainly I want to bring up the constant chewing of her wings... she hasnt yet pulled another flight feather out but man do they look like they have gone through a blender... her tail too. Her pretty red tail only has two of the long red feathers and they look like crap too :( she is also an avid nail bitter... think she would smoke and drink if she was aloud to, she likes them bad habbits :rolleyes:
think she would smoke and drink if she was aloud to, she likes them bad habbits

So you are not 100% sure she is a girl yet?:D

Phoebus will also ocupate herself a lot with her nails but doesn't destroy them, just cleans them, she is a lady after all... :18:
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she puts her nails in her month, bites down then yanks LOL :33:
Let us know how she gets on.

I can remember Bucc went through a stage of pulling every other red tail feather out, he looked so funny with this strange red thing sticking out the end. :D Does she rub her tail on the cage bars, that may have something to do with it. :confused:
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no she accually seem to be very carful not to rub it on the cage bars... her tail and wings almost have the look of over preening :33: Her wings are a lot worse... they really have a chewed on disressed look to them... I cant get a closer look with out getting nipped though... so, I will let the vet do it then :cool:
Good luck on that, hope its not too serious. Kodie looked like a dodo a while back, he used to be all stupid with his feet, and slide down and go sit straight on top of his tail, so he broke all of them, but they are starting to grow back, his got 3 so far!:D
Has she been yet? what did they say? tell us tell us. :D
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Has she been yet? what did they say? tell us tell us. :D

oops sorry guess I jumped the gun and should of said when she was going LOL

her appointment is on 7/26 @ 4:00
just enough time to go home after work "stuff" her in her little cage :25: in which she need to be tricked into and run to the vets... maybe I will bring a camera for some vet shots
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saddly I didnt get any vet shot... and if I had remembered the camera there was prolly to much feather dush and down feathers in the air to see what was going on LOL

ok, time for the update...

first off, Cricket is doing very well with her beak and nail she didnt need them clipped or trimmed
when we put her on the scale we were in for a shocking surprise, matter of fact we reset the scale to make sure we were seeing it right.... in Dec (8 months ago) she was 380 grams, now the fat ass, is 427.... and I was told that her breast bone had some nice hefty muscles around them... damn little tubby bird... no m ore snack food for her!! lol
now I had also asked about her coloring in the beck and she doesnt think she is a cross breed for a couple reasons, one she is far from being small, and her tail is too red... oh did I mention that she was way to big to be a cross LOL
We also managed to get the blood out of her this time... my poor little pin cushion... her air sack, yet again, kept getting in the way, but we got it after a few tries. The blood will be coming back in a week now I also had them us some for some DNA, so in two weeks I will find out the my little girl is most likley a boy LOL because thats the kind of luck I tend to have.

ok, now for the big important news... her feathers and insane chewing. The vet was able to get a closer look, not with out a fight of course, and the right wings feathers are VERY torn up, matter of fact she had a sore there from where she has been chewing, on her left wing it isnt so bad, and there is one feather that made it to its proper size with out geting chomped on. But never the less the left side was a reck. The vet could tell right off the bat that her tail was also chewed on and wasnt cage tail and she has only three feathers there, er, two because one was so bad it fell off while we were looking at it. Ok so the vet told me that it looks like it could be the beak and feather BUT she is telling this only to then tell me she doent think thats the problem because it is only showing up in the above birdie parts. SO she seems to think that when she when through her molt she over preened because she was itchy, and by doing that it made her even m ore itchy so the circle turns.... plan of action is 3 ml of childrens benadryl twice a day at least until the blood work comes back in because we might learn more then.

OK... now to figure out how to get that stuff in her with out loosing a finger... today I have already had a cherry flavored benadryl shower... next I will see if she will eat it over some eggs
I will let you know how it goes :D
My goodness, it sounds like you both had a very long day together! Will be interested in the DNA results :D

I am glad they were able to pull blood to do an avian panel on her. Mojo began having distress in his tail feathers first, then flight and regular wing feathers. Then suddenly stopped moving. The shape and coloration of his plummage was horrid. We did test after test ... finally narrowed it down to Acute Kidney Disorder. We stopped the testing at a kidney biopsy as the chance of bleeding out was too great. We ended up treating him with Bird Baytril (didn't like it one bit) but along with the heat lamp and baths he recovered just fine. It was quite nerve wracking.

To give Moj his Baytril, I had to towel him ... it was safest for him and me both and also assured me he was getting his medication in full.

Keep us posted and let us know how things progress!
Hope everything comes back ok with Crickets blood work. At least with the DNA results Cricket is a universal name, so whether its a boy or girl it works!!! :D
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I tried toweling her... and I still got my cherry flavored benadryl shower HAHA
that and she almost bit through my only suringe dropper
This morning I gave her a small amount of eggs and put her meds on them, she loves her eggs and she does her best not to waste them, but never the less some landed at the bottom of the cage. So when i get home from work I have another idea... I am going to make a peanut butter sandwitch and cut it into squares just big enough for the bread to soak up the benadryl. now she loves her PB sandwitches and is one of the only foods she will make sure she is eating it completely over the bowl, so she doesnt loose any of it. She even scrapes her beak on the inside of the bowl to then be able to eat the PB that stuck to her beak... I am telling shes my little :36:
Good Luck with the meds,

She may still be picking at those feathers because of the sores, When Bucc has a really bad moult, I've put some aloe in the spray water, seems to help a little.

I think she is a gal, she's a lot lighter than my guys, but thats from what I can see in pics. So I'm gonna stick my neck out and say she is a gal. :D

Hope that blood work comes back sooner, its horrible waiting around for results isn't it.

Yeah keep us infomed on how she's getting on. :D
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yes the waiting sucks... but I am confident that it will come back ok... so I am trying to make my self more excited about finding out her sex LOL

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