Wacky weather in UK


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Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
We have been having some very strange weather here just lately, well rain rain and more rain, freezing cold days and the next day very hot and muggy, and all the time more rain.

Where I am in the South it hasn't been anywhere near as bad as a lot of places further North have been having. Its really quite unbelievable, it like we see on the telly, Wild Weather etc.

Anyway thought you'd get a better idea how bad it is by the link showing pictures of South Yorkshire. They are having a very bad time, even a risk the Dam wall will give way, and we are due some more wild weather by the weekend.


Not sure yet how Karen is getting on in Scotland, Right up North. I hope she's doing okay.
:eek: Gosh, Peta, I don't know about you, but I get weather-phobic something fierce ... this type of thing usually brings on :eek: panic attacks. Thinking good, positive thoughts for you!!
It's been really hot and humid here the last few days ... tonight we had some very severe thunderstorms ... nothing out of the unusual for the Summer around here is Jolly ol' NEW ENGLAND ... :D
Freezing cold here in Oz this winter.
2 degrees celcius most Mornings.
So the bird is not getting much outdoor time so far this year.
I know were having wild weather all over the world at the moment.
I wont complain about a little cold weather when you guys are worried if your roof will be on your house tomorrow. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Well Peta I heard about England on the tv!Rain and floods and disasters...I hope this ends as soon as possible!Here is the hottest June I ever remember up to 48 degrees in GREECE!It's suffocating!the air conditioners work non stop everywhere and there are blackouts..:smile023::smile024::smile052::um: the wheather has gone crazy!
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Thanks guys, we don't have floods here, thats in Yorkshire way, not good. We are due for more rain over the next few days I just hope that is stays away from Yorkshire, theres real concerns over the Dam at the moment and with a lot more rain coming it could be the straw that broke the camels back. :(

Down South I am kinda protected by the South Downs, we been forcast some snow storms over in Wales (south-east of me) :eek: June and they are talking snow.
:smile052:Hi there..well Scotland cold and wet but really thats not unusual...thankfully we are not experiencing the terrible floods of Englandshire.
Did here on news Greece had fires!!??? due to heat, hope Pheobus somewhere safe.
Its all a wee biit barmy just now.Watching 2 part disaster movie last night has sent my imagination on to overtime:umbrella::cool26:
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Very humid here today and raining very hard, and its only 9.33 am :eek: I have a friend living up that way with all the floods so I'll have to get in touch with her and hope that they have managed to do something with the Dam wall.
Thank you Karen!Yes Greece is being burnt down.The fire was close to us but more close to our summer house.Thank God I think they managed to put it out, I'm not sure though yet.Yesterday afternoon the sky was full of smoke you couldn't stand outside, couldn't breath.Today it's ok! lets hope this situation changes soon for all of us...
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You stay safe, and hopefully its out now.
Hey any word on the summer house .Still standing.Hope everyone gets to safety in that area. take care
I heard at the news they managed to stop the fire today, helped the morning shower.Still remaining some small areas burning but firemen can handdle that, that's what they said.
A very big area of forest was turned to ashes...(something about 10000 hectars only in central Greece):(
fortunately our house is safe, some other few houses in a region nearby were burnt..:(
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I'm glad your summer house is safe, and sad for those that lost theirs.

Seems the weather all over is going crazy.

Also heard today that London had 2 car bombs, filled with petrol, nails, etc. Thankfully they were found before they went off. Glasgow had a car drive into the Airport and is in flames. With all the natural disaters that happen world wide, makes ya wonder what kind of people these are. :mad:
They are NOT BIRD PEOPLE ... Bird people are too happy to do nasty things like that!
MMM...... Tex lock me in a room with 2 or 3 screaming Amazons for any great lenghth of time and I may agree to anything.:smile011:
I still remember sitting on the chair rocking when Roxys brother came to stay. "The Shining" springs to mind:52:

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