What should i do?


New member
Feb 1, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
|Cockatiels:Tara and Shylo|
Budgies:Fresca and Domino|
Senegal Parrot: Kayto|
OK well heres the deal, i contacted the breeder like i said i thnk in a anotehr post about getting a sun conure and he got back to me finally yay! ok anyway he said he'll have sun conures ready to go home by the end of february, but sinc ei told him in another email that i like a bit aways away that if i culd wait till march so i could go during springbreak and he said if i was interested then i should place an order now and he can hold till march for me. The thing is im saving up for it now, he said it cost 750$ without dna testing and 775$ with dna tests i was think with dna test. ok anyway im saving up now, i wont have the money till june... so i was thinking i could ask my mom to pay the whole thing for now and id pay her back by june but i dont know if she'll agree to that. so what should i do the breeder also said he might breed in the summer, but he said they dont usually since theyd otn breed in really hot weather and its gets kinda hot where he lives. ok so what should i do wai titll summer and possibly get one, or ask my mom.. or shold i jus wait for myu moms response and see what she thinks? also is 750 or 775 a good price for a weaned sun? im thinking it is btw.

tehres also a breeder in washington but like i live in canada right so i checked the page where it has for like bring stuff over the border and it seems pretty tight and hard situation ot get a ird over the border.. it says like i have to have owned it for 6 months and a bunch of other stuff.. so should jus got with the onehere and get it in march if my mom says yes to the money thing?
ok kiddo, the only thing I would ask you is is that $750 CAD or USD? If it's 750 CAD (which equals aboooooot $655 USD) then, EVEN WITH THE DNA TESTING, that seems a touch high to me ... I purchased Hamlet for $550 at a pet shop, and I know breeders here in the US sell them for abooooooooot $300 - $350 (or $415 CAD) throw in shipping (abooot $125 USD) and you have a TOTAL of $475 USD (or $560 CAD) ...

But let me say this ... no matter what you pay, to hear the little content goose/duck honk/quack that suns make ... or to have your hair preened, or to see one of these little guys having the time of their lives in a bath, makes ANY amount of money worth it!

~ Tex :50:
It's not a bad price for Canada (Birds cost so much more here then in the States) The price of a sun conure in pet stores in Canada is usually $950. You may be able to find a breeder a little bit cheaper but not much or head down to the States and try to sneak one back (not sure how hard it would be) I paid a fortune for my Senegal from a pet store, but I wanted her and no other senegal so I paid the rediculous price (Worth every penny and more) I do know of a couple of breeders in BC that have sun conures and jenday, not sure how fast they are with replying but if you want emails I can let you know.
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Theres a breeder in washingtion... but i dunno
the one in washingtion is 300 us fro normal suns and and the really orange looking ones are 500 us. she said she'd have some ready by june but i dont know, like that would work out a ALOT cheaper than the breeder in canada. The only thing is it might be too much of a like problem or thing to try and bring abird over the border.

This is what i found about bringing birds over the border:

1. Birds from countries other than the U.S.A.: no birds of any type are allowed entry into Canada unless accompanied by an Import Permit which must be obtained prior to arrival in Canada. This includes pet birds (parrots, song birds, etc.). The import of birds into Canada is also subject to control by the Canadian Wildlife Service (CITES), therefore, a permit may also be required by CITES.

Please view: www.inspection.gc.ca under the title Pet Imports for further details.

2. Birds from the U.S.A.:
a. Accompanied by owner: birds must be found healthy when inspected at port of entry. Owner must sign declaration stating that:

- birds have been in his/her possession for the 90 days period preceding date of importation; and
- birds have not been in contact with any other birds during that time; and
- birds are the owner's personal pets;
- and are not being imported for the purpose of re-sale.

Owner or any family member must not have imported birds into Canada under this pet bird provision during the preceding 90 days period.
b. Unaccompanied birds: Psittacine birds (parrots, parakeets etc.) must be accompanied by an Import Permit issued by the CFIA. Please see: www.inspection.gc.ca under title `Pet Imports' for further details

and this is the site where i found it at: http://travelcentre.iata.org/index.php?pag...tinationCode=CA

(srry for the double post)
OK, so, buy your birdie in Washington, move in for 91 days and go back home to Canada! Sorry, just trying to help ... I can just see you trying to get through Customs ...

Boarder Patroll: "Miss, do you have anything to declair?"

You: "No Sir, nothing (from out of your backpack) SQUAWK!!!"

Boarder Patroll: "Miss, I am going to have to ask you to open the bag ... "

Have ANY of you seen the TV show "That 70's Show" this just reminds me when the guys go to Cananda to get the beer and Fez is hiding in the trunk cause he lost his green card ... *LOL*

Oh God, I hope SOMEONE KNOWS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOOOOT HERE ... cause I really don't want to look like an idiot ....

~ Tex :50:
It seems a lot to me, but I'm in the UK and from people I've been talking to who live in Canada, they say its a good price. I've also heard a lot about the hassle of getting birds over the border. It might work out better for you to buy in Canada.

I'm not really the best person to tell you about waiting, but I have been looking for my baby grey for about a year now, there was always something that stopped me. You have to find THE RIGHT sun for you, and if thats now then I would say have a word with your Mum, If you can wait then have a look round. Honestly you WILL find the right sun, at the right price that was meant for you.

Tex, sorry but I have no idea what "That 70's Show" is, sorry. :eek:
OH girl PLEASE let me get you Sidney's breeder he was 300 if you want a SUN I have a breeder ready arounf april with babies DNA for 225 girly please save your money! I could buy a blue and gold here for that price thats outragious don't get ripped off
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Tex, i remember that episode. It sucks though you can bring over guns over the border but not a freakin parrot without a huge hassle!

Birdcrazy, do they ship birds? im not sure though if they did ship then maybe because i dont know how they treat birds on like plains.. has anyone ever gotten a bird shipped to them or from them? any details on that?

maybe i can just lie and sign the form saying that its been quarintined and everythying... or maybe just vet visit will be enough...
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yes they ship I know the people I got Sidney from said they always put the birds on the plane last and took them off first and changed the water and everything! and they are in a hard carrier for protection! http://bodcauaviary.com/welcome.htm this is Sidney's Aviary they aren't going to have more till the middle of the year I think but it talks about shipping on the page. I have talked to several people that have had birds shipped to them and it has always gone well I've just been lucky to be able to drive to go get them. You can always call for info both of the breeders are really nice and the one with the Suns is really good about responding to email!
Tex, i remember that episode.

Very cool, now I don't feel like an idiot ....

maybe i can just lie...

*shakes head* NO NO NO NO NO NO ... don't do it, I am all for trying to get a birdie to your house in the cheapest way possible, but I am not in favor of lying to the government ... you know, you could end up in a cell somewhere and you wouldn't be able to post on her AND you MIGHT have a new girlfriend ... :eek: :eek: :eek:
yes they ship I know the people I got Sidney from said they always put the birds on the plane last and took them off first and changed the water and everything! and they are in a hard carrier for protection! http://bodcauaviary.com/welcome.htm this is Sidney's Aviary they aren't going to have more till the middle of the year I think but it talks about shipping on the page. I have talked to several people that have had birds shipped to them and it has always gone well I've just been lucky to be able to drive to go get them. You can always call for info both of the breeders are really nice and the one with the Suns is really good about responding to email!

Yeah, cause you have like 6 GAZILLION breeders in Texas :20: ... for those of us who have like 4 (pick up a copy of BirdTalk and see the differences in the state listings ... ) aren't so lucky. :mad:
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Very cool, now I don't feel like an idiot ....

*shakes head* NO NO NO NO NO NO ... don't do it, I am all for trying to get a birdie to your house in the cheapest way possible, but I am not in favor of lying to the government ... you know, you could end up in a cell somewhere and you wouldn't be able to post on her AND you MIGHT have a new girlfriend ... :eek: :eek: :eek:

i dont get it lol
Just a random thought about the whole trouble of bringing a bird over the border (if you're even still considering it)...if you were to put down the deposit or the whole amount now on a bird and then you wait a few months (I forget how long it was going to be until the bird was weaned) and THEN go get it, wouldn't it technically have been your bird since the time you paid the deposit? Just because he/she wasn't with you the whole time doesn't mean that you're not their guardian.
Oops...didn't catch that part about the parrot being in possession of the owner for 90 days on the first read-through... :(

Well...If you're dead-set on getting a bird from the U.S. then I guess you could do the Import Permit by the CFIA. It'd probably cost a lot though and in the end you might not be saving money.
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yeah Megan, the most important thing money aside is that you find a bird that you click with and that you know is a perfect match for you I know if Suns or Jendays were around 6-700 here there is no way I would be able to have one! But if you want this to happen I know you wil find the perfect baby for you - This is what Peta kept telling me and I know I did :)

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