What treats does your Hahns Macaw like?


New member
Sep 19, 2010
I have 1 Hahns macaw named Jack
Hello I am going to the grocery store today and I am going to be buying Jack some new foods. I have tried a lot of vegetables with him and he just looks at them and does nothing. I have failed with peanuts as he did the same with them also.

Today I have decided to try apple and sunflower seeds (non salted of course)

It seems that Jack has no interest in vegetables so I will try fruit. I have read some information that they love apples so I hope this works.

What foods and treats do you give you hahns? Are they picky with their vegetables? Do they just need to be introduced to them time and time again and they will eventually take them?


Brett and Jack :green2:
Pics will be coming soon

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