What was your first pet?


New member
Jun 18, 2007
Blue & Gold Macaw, Madison;
Yellow Naped Amazon, Rocky;
Timneh African Grey, Tyler
And now for something completely different...

Just wondering, what was everyone's first pet? Real or imaginary..

It's hard to remember but I think my first real pet that was actually mine, was a cat, Tiger. (Very original name, yes?) Can you guess what color he was? lol
I believe I was about 6 years old when I got him.. I remember getting into bed with my adorable little orange kitten.. and then getting kinda itchy! And something bit me! Fleas! So I learned about the perils of pets very early on.
My next pet was a Budgie, Barnie.. I got him at about 6 1/2 or 7 I think. Poor little thing.. my mom told me she caught me trying to give him a bath.. thats a good reminder that little kids still need close supervision around animals. Barnie was fine and he lived a good 15 years anyway:) Tiger lived for 18 years.
I also had a pet rock named Bob but I don't know how old I was when I got him..lol. I assume he is still alive but I have no idea where he lives :D
My first pet was a cat that we named Rubber Boots. Not sure who named her whether it was me or my mom, I was only 2. She was a stray cat that came around our house so my mom fed her and she had kittens right outside our house, so we opened our door and she brought them in one by one. I named one of them Refridgerator (I was a strange kid :p) She was a very amazing pet, no cat will ever compare to her in my eyes. She died when I was 14, I was so upset. Just happy I was lucky enough to have her in my life. :D
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(I was a strange kid :p)

I'll say!
Lol just kidding.. thats funny.. the names you thought of.
I'm 28 and I still name every inanimate object I see. (I usually name them Frank but sometimes I get a little more original..) My car's name is Bob.
My first pets were goldfish I think, but my first pet that I could actually interact with and was all mine was an albino parakeet named Dove (also original!). My family and I spent time with her and tried to teach her to talk, she almost said "Pretty Baby", but apparently not enough time because she started pulling out feathers and then making herself bleed...so we got her a fake plastic parakeet, which did no good, then a real parakeet who was blue with a cloud across her chest (named her Cloudy)...The second parakeet was never tamed and hated people and the two of them bonded...never really held either one again :( Dove died when she was about 10 maybe and Cloudy died just a few years ago, she must have been about 14.
What a good idea Flyte!!! My first pet was a collie/german shepard mix named Laddie. the best dog ever. I got him a birthday present when I was 6. I grew up in a rural area, on an old farm and he would run free in the woods, but come home every night. When he was 10 he was killed in a hit and run. We think he was losing his hearing and didn't hear the car coming. It was really sad.

We also had lots of cats, chickens, horses, and even a cow. Lots of different animals for the whole family. But Laddie was my very own :)
My first pet i think was fish... and then we found a cat, and named it Sylvester and had it a for a few years, and then it ran away. Then we got a dog becuase i was scared to death of them and my mom wanted to me to overcome my fear of dogs. and i still have Rosie, my choco lab! Shes about 12/13 now. BUt my first real pet of my very own was a Budgie, named Pongo. I got him when i was like 6 because my sister had gotten a budgie a few years before that and i love it so much so i begged my mom enough so she got me one of my own. YAY. it died at age 5. :(
My first pet of my very own was a budgie, Scrappy - I was 6. She was a 'runt' and I loved her at first site - and bite.
We had pets all my life. But the first pet that was "mine" was a cat. I got her when I was 8 and she was 4 wks old. My mom and brother took turns eyedrop feeding her.
She just died last thanksgiving time. She was my cat through and through.
Her names(yes names) were Vannessa and Kitty Butt. Vannessa becasue I liked that name as a child. And Kitty butt because that 's what dad called her becasue she would walk with her tail up in the air.

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