whats going on with cookie


New member
Nov 19, 2014
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South Beloit, Illinois
Yellowsided Green Cheek Conure~ Baby/Blue Front Amazon~ Cookie/Timneh African Grey~ Dezi/Normal Green Cheek Conure~Petri
So since we got cookie his poops have never been healthy looking like our other birds, there is always alot of the white part and barely any actual poop, they have always been liquidy also. We told our vet and she said if he is eating and drinking properly there is nothing to worry about, but recently cookie has been rufusing treats and i havent seen him eating alot recently. He has also been extrordinarily moody lately. I just need an idea as to what might be going on with cookie.:green:
I know it sounds gross, but is it possible to get a picture or two of Cookie's droppings?

Prolonged, abnormal droppings aren't to be taken lightly, IMHO. I would have the Avian vet do a series of tests to rule out any nasties, just to be on the safe side. :) I'd be especially concerned since you mentioned the moodiness. Cookie may not be feeling well.

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