Willow update


New member
Feb 17, 2014
She is just a doll and such a cuddle love bug! I keep looking for the zipper where her grey suit must attach, she is so different than other greys I have been around. She will let me cuddle her for hours! She has learned to blow raspberries and really likes this noise, ask her for kisses and you might get the kiss noise but you are just as likely to get blown a raspberry!

I got a little weepy because I finally heard her say what I am pretty sure was "kisses for momma" which I have not heard since my lovely Jillie has been gone. I always teach that and it always makes me smile.

We also play a game where I tell her I am going to get her stinky feet, she LOVES this game and will growl and blow raspberries while sticking her foot out for me to get it.:p Then gets all puffy and runs away, then runs back for more. She loves a good foot massage, but then what gal doesn't?

I had not gotten her toys from the chair onto the bed fast enough so she decided to land on them in the chair and play then flew to me, I love that pic!



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Oh by the way there is nothing wrong with her foot she stained them eating blackberries yesterday.:D
Mine has always been a bit too hyper for the cuddle-bug stuff... Briefly, when he's in the mood.

Raised properly they are very active.
Oh my gawsh, Laura!!!! I've SO been (impatiently) waiting for new Willow pics, and here they (finally) are. :D What a looker!!! And look at the sheer silver shimmer coming from her wings. :eek: She is STUNNING!!! :smile015:

I love hearing Willow stories! I firmly believe she is going to be extraordinarily smart (AND cuddly to boot). :D
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She will self entertain while in her cage and has a lot of fun tearing through toys but when she is out, she wants me! She will play a little with the hoard of educational toys she has but mostly she wants to either play the feet game if she is feeling frisky but mostly puts her head down and against me for head rubs until my fingers are numb. She will behave when I carry her around the house and set her down while I do chores and she does know what that's not yours means..sometimes she listens lol.:p
What a pretty girl Willow is Laura! Absolutely stunningbeautifulgorgeous!
I vote we all take a 'field trip' to Laura's house to play with Willow:D She is just too cute to resist!

She is a STUNNING CAG. Will she get darker as she ages, because she looks more silvery than the normal gray color? Does she get along at all with Brady? I am so glad you gave us an update and the pics of your pretty girl.
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I vote we all take a 'field trip' to Laura's house to play with Willow:D She is just too cute to resist!

She is a STUNNING CAG. Will she get darker as she ages, because she looks more silvery than the normal gray color? Does she get along at all with Brady? I am so glad you gave us an update and the pics of your pretty girl.

No she will stay this lighter Silver, which I really do think is beautiful!;)

Unfortunately her and Brady do not get along as yet though I haven't in truth let them interact much. Brady is still in full on SPRING mode and since Willow is a baby I didn't want to risk Brady hurting her. When Willow does a fly-by over Brady's head she is NOT amused! The few times that Willow has gotten away from me while taking her out of her cage and landed on Brady's cage I have to move super fast to get her off because Brady moves like she wants to go after Willow's feet.:eek:

Brady did learn how to say hi Willow really fast though. I am hoping at some point they can co-exist on the same java stand but thankfully if they don't I have enough for them to each have their own.

Meegosh has not met anyone but human family yet and I don't think I will test him getting along with the others. He is so much smaller but everything I know about caiques is they don't typically care for other birds not of their species and they think they are a macaw.:p

I do wish more people came around to play with Willow as she has become really bonded to me and doesn't much care for or trust others. We are working on it as best we can though.
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I don't know that many bird savvy people that live close, the friends I have that are close are afraid :( sigh....
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I don't know that many bird savvy people that live close, the friends I have that are close are afraid :( sigh....

ROADTRIP!!!!! :D (Yes, I'm talking about myself..... after you've visited.)

That would be great.. I am only waiting on Willow to give up the formula soooo as her God-Mother next time we talk I just need YOU to explain to her that she is in fact old enough to give it up, she is not listening to me on that point.:p
I vote we all take a 'field trip' to Laura's house to play with Willow:D She is just too cute to resist!

She is a STUNNING CAG. Will she get darker as she ages, because she looks more silvery than the normal gray color? Does she get along at all with Brady? I am so glad you gave us an update and the pics of your pretty girl.

Willow is a classic "SILVER GRAY."

They are significantly bigger and lighter than coastal grays...

What does he weigh now? Mid 500's-Ish?
Well, knowing your diligence as an owner, I assumed Megoosh was still in quarantine. Hopefully Brady and Willow can become friends:) Both are very special ladies! And in time, little Megoosh will certainly feel like the he hit the house jackpot with 2 big, beautiful ladies to share the play tree with:p
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I vote we all take a 'field trip' to Laura's house to play with Willow:D She is just too cute to resist!

She is a STUNNING CAG. Will she get darker as she ages, because she looks more silvery than the normal gray color? Does she get along at all with Brady? I am so glad you gave us an update and the pics of your pretty girl.

Willow is a classic "SILVER GRAY."

They are significantly bigger and lighter than coastal grays...

What does he weigh now? Mid 500's-Ish?

No SHE is going to be smaller than I once thought, she is still around the mid 430's but she flies and plays a lot and is still hand feeding so I expect her adult weight to be a little higher but I think she will be on the female petite size for a silver.
Willow is absolutely GORGEOUS! I don't see one feather out of place!! She looks like a birdie model for sure!
I vote we all take a 'field trip' to Laura's house to play with Willow:D She is just too cute to resist!

She is a STUNNING CAG. Will she get darker as she ages, because she looks more silvery than the normal gray color? Does she get along at all with Brady? I am so glad you gave us an update and the pics of your pretty girl.

Willow is a classic "SILVER GRAY."

They are significantly bigger and lighter than coastal grays...

What does he weigh now? Mid 500's-Ish?

No SHE is going to be smaller than I once thought, she is still around the mid 430's but she flies and plays a lot and is still hand feeding so I expect her adult weight to be a little higher but I think she will be on the female petite size for a silver.

Adult weight is probably going to be somewhere around 485, I'm guessing... which is still large for a CAG.

Makes you wonder what those Lake Victoria CAG babies must look like...
Willow is a Beauty Birdie for sure! Gorgeous!

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