Wing clipping?


New member
Dec 24, 2006
The man at the Aviary told us to bring him back in one month to be checked for mites and to have his wings clipped.
Do I want his wings clipped?
Its sounds cruel and I would rather bird proof the doors of the house and let him have full flight around inside.
Is this a silly idea?
there is another thread where we talk about this.

Wing clipping is full choice of the birds owners. There are pros and cons to them both. you should find that thread to read more opinions
No, its not a silly idea if you want skippah fully flighted then tell the aviary that under no circumstances are they to clip him. I have all my birds fully flighted and its wonderful to see, My children are old enough now to know that all door have to be kept closed, so there isn't a problem here.

Questions I think that should be taken into consideration are these:-

What will happen when you need to put him into his cage, and he doesn't want to go? Fully flighted birds just fly off (I know this by experience) :D

Training can be a very long process, they don't want to do it they just fly off, (again experience)

There are so many things to take into consideration with fully flighted but they can all be overcome and to see a bird flying around is wonderful.

I love having Bucc fully flighted, but if I needed to have him clipped for his safety I wouldn't hesitate. I think you need to think carefully about what you want to do in regards to clipping.

All of the above are just my opinions, maybe later on we'll have members come on who have clipped birds that can give you their opinions on clipping.

Good luck with your decision, let us know what you decide.
Wing Clipping is not a permanent or injurous thing. If you have him clipped the feathers will be grown back and he can be flying again in 20 weeks. I began clipping my birds after Kayko hit the sliding glass door at 20MPH. How he lived I'll never know, but I was sure I didn't want to see that again. Sooner or later someone it going to open a door to the outside with a flighted bird. Keeping them trimmed will stop that from ever happening, plus you can really enjoy taking them places outside
Don't know that you'll get much feedback Al, at least from the members on this thread, its 4 years old and most members haven't been active for the last 2...........:11:
i had my sun clipped and honestly i kinda regret it, He still flys just not long distence and it sucks because mu girlfriend has my green cheek and she dosn't have her wings clipped so she zooms around the room and my sun wants to and trys to but cant. Im gonna let his feathers grow back and i bought a flight suit and a leash so i can train him.

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