Wingz aviary reviews?


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Oct 15, 2018
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Penelope & Clementine (Peach-faced Lovebirds); RIP Dewey (Budgie)
Some time down the road, I'd like to build a larger aviary for my littles. I have a 10' round sandy area in my backyard where an above-ground pool used to sit. It's the perfect spot for the aviary. I have two Lovebirds, two Budgies, and now I have the cockatiel my sister decided was better in my care. He's doing well, but that's not what this thread is about.

I've been researching aviaries online and have come across Wingz Aviaries based in the U.S. If anyone has heard of it, please let me know your thoughts. There are so many companies who prefabricate aviaries, and so many of them are pure junk. I want something that's going to last for decades.

Would a powder-coated aviary be the way to go? It has a canopy top, but I'd also like to put a 11' round umbrella over it to shade most of the sides, too. I have lots of ideas for the interior of the aviary, and I plan to put a safe-catch doorway on one side since all of them are flighted.
IMHO, any steel aviary, powdercoated or not is going to rust eventually. For small parrots, say up to conure size, aluminum is the way to go. Larger birds should be in stainless steel outdoor aviaries but they are mega $$$. Wgarf scares me about this compay is they offer galvanized ( hot dip zinc) coating on smaller cages, whitch if chipped off and be toxic to birds esp chewing birds like parrots.
Thank you! This is EXACTLY the kind of feedback I was hoping to get here. I really appreciate it! While I cannot afford a stainless steel aviary, I do have one they are currently using, and have for the last few years, that works fine. I just wanted them to have more space. Any suggestions?
So, I priced a stainless steel aviary from and calculated a cost of about $7000+ for an 8' round aviary. Wow.
Some time down the road, I'd like to build a larger aviary for my littles. I have a 10' round sandy area in my backyard where an above-ground pool used to sit. It's the perfect spot for the aviary. I have two Lovebirds, two Budgies, and now I have the cockatiel my sister decided was better in my care. He's doing well, but that's not what this thread is about.

I've been researching aviaries online and have come across Wingz Aviaries based in the U.S. If anyone has heard of it, please let me know your thoughts. There are so many companies who prefabricate aviaries, and so many of them are pure junk. I want something that's going to last for decades.

Would a powder-coated aviary be the way to go? It has a canopy top, but I'd also like to put a 11' round umbrella over it to shade most of the sides, too. I have lots of ideas for the interior of the aviary, and I plan to put a safe-catch doorway on one side since all of them are flighted.
I did some research and this is GAW galvanized after welding. That is very safe . They use this in the zoos gif birds and aviary’s you see breeders use are mostly GAW. Never use plain galvanized as the world spots are dangerous . The powder coating lasts 20 years because it’s placed over the GAW wire. These are the best I can find . Not like the cheap China powder coated ones that rust out in a year of two.

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