Wise a$$


New member
Dec 6, 2006
Albany, NY
Cricket -C.A.G
He is getting too smart :p

When I had my wisdom teeth out I spend most my time in Mass with the bf. When I came home my little Pooh-bird Cricket was very happy to see me, and my mom had some funny "Guess what your bird did" stories

Ok first I have explain where my Fid is in relation to the other rooms. My room, as I might have stated before, is the family computer room too (thats what you get for moving out and then trying to move back in) Anyways the "computer" room comes off the living room and against the wall right next to the door is the bird's cage. Now my mother was in the computer room doing what she does best, shop on ebay :rolleyes: and she pulls the Cricket away from the wall to keep him from crewing on the wood. well Cricket has figured that if he stretches really really far then swings, he can hit his beck against the wall and make a loud tapping noise.... My mom was telling him, each time, to stop it.... finelly he did it enough times where she came storming out of the room and yell "HEY HEY STOP THAT!" which startled him, cause he wimpered into his cage.... So now mom is back in the computer room, and she can hear him coming back out of the cage and all is quiet... until... she hears in Crickets loudest voice "HEY HEY STOP THAT!"

Next story, my dad works all day long and most of the time comes home and falls asleep on the couch and sence he is half deaf he has the TV up really loud... and I tried to tell him the louder you are the louder the bird will be... Well crickets voice must be able to peirce even the loudest ears because she most of made one to many noises and my dad told him, firmly, to shut up... my mom being in the kitchen can now here Cricket saying over and over again "SHUT UP ... SHUT UP... SHUT UP"... she comes in to the living room and she asks my dad is he told him to shut up, and he tried to play dumb, but what can I say, the bird called him on his lie LOL

ok those are my stories :35::35:
That's so funny! :p

And Cricket is a smart one to catch words or phrases at once...:D
How nice!
:D :D :D Way to go Cricket. And I can just see him knocking on the wall. :D

Bucc will also know on the door/wall. Usually the kitchen door (he's not allowed into the kitchen as his favourite place is the cooker:eek:) When I go in there, he gets onto the curtain which is up there to keep him out (didn't work to great) and knock on the door and ask "whatcha doing" "HELLOOOOOO" "come outta there now" When I do come out he will ask "whatcha got for Bucc" Obviously the kitchen is only ever used to get Bucc good food. :D
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:D :D :D Way to go Cricket. And I can just see him knocking on the wall. :D

Bucc will also know on the door/wall. Usually the kitchen door (he's not allowed into the kitchen as his favourite place is the cooker:eek:) When I go in there, he gets onto the curtain which is up there to keep him out (didn't work to great) and knock on the door and ask "whatcha doing" "HELLOOOOOO" "come outta there now" When I do come out he will ask "whatcha got for Bucc" Obviously the kitchen is only ever used to get Bucc good food. :D

oh he is such a smart one :eek: :D :35:
Hmmmmm wonder if these two are meeting up on the net when we humans have gone to bed, They are sharing secrets I bet.
Hmmmmm wonder if these two are meeting up on the net when we humans have gone to bed, They are sharing secrets I bet.

It would certain seem that way Peta. Do you two know what your birdies are doing whilst you sleep???
Tex that was very good, but I think you could be in trouble for that one. :D :D :D :D Sorry mate I aint standing by ya on this one. :D

Peta;14237 ... "whatcha got for Bucc" [/quote said:
Human Translation:

"Woman, bring me a beer!"

Ya know what, I'm pretty damn sure thats exactly what he means. When Andi opens a can of beer, he always asks "one for Bucc"

*Honestly guys I don't let him drink beer, really I don't* :D
She has, it was just too small and too tight on her neck so she took it off ... ;)

Damn, :worship2: Tex, you're good. I've been working on a come back all late last night and all day today and coming up with zilch. Don't give up on me just yet ... I'm still working on it!

And, don't be gloating about this either ... it is unbecoming, ya know?!

*Honestly guys I don't let him drink beer, really I don't* :D

Peta, I wouldn't take you as the type of person to share your beer anyway! LMAO! :D :p :rolleyes: (You know I love ya!). :smile015:
Peta, I wouldn't take you as the type of person to share your beer anyway! LMAO! :D :p :rolleyes: (You know I love ya!). :smile015:

ooooooooooo :35: You can expect email in a little while, :46:
Well, I don't share my beer with anyone either ... there's no shame in that! Especially since you can get some really good beers there in England straight from the brewery - I wouldn't share either ...

Deanna, you make this sound like a really bad thing -- what's the issue here, I don't see one!
I'm gonna tell you all a secret now, are you sitting down.


I'm a non drinker :eek: Used to drink like a fish but ever since being pregnant with Jemma I've never been able to touch a drop since, I get tipsy now with just the smell :D
Just another thing you can blame on your kids eh, Peta ... they took away your drinking habit ... funny, I always thought kids caused drinking habits ... *shrug* ... Well, at least my mom was always blaming hers on me.
Yep my list is growing for things I blame on the kids,

No money,
No life,

No I really can't say anymore I'll wait till you have all of yours then you'll know just what I mean. :D

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