

Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
I have to have a moan now, I should at this very moment be working, but for some reason I cannot get motivated, its a good job I work from home, I had all good intentions when I turned the computer on, then I thought, not a good idea all this thinking lark, just check on the forum, just to see whats going on you understand :rolleyes: and thats what I did, only I didn't seem to come out of here, and now that I've lost all interest in working, it hardly seems worth it. I'll suffer tomorrow when its all piled up on me :eek: Well tomorrow is another day, why worry. Am I convincing anyone yet, No I'm not convinced yet. Ah Well.

Thats my moan over with!!!!!! for now anyway, wait til tomorrow.
LOL It's like that saying, "Why do today, what you can put off until tomorrow?".
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LOL I like that saying I really do.

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