
Paul Caine

New member
Feb 2, 2024
Regents, princess, and Superbs
Hi all I used panacur 25 to worm my parrots but it no longer available. Do anyone have a suggestion on what to use now?
What kind of worms are you trying to treat? Different types of wormers treat different parasites. Are your birds outside? I never worm my birds because they are only in the house where they don’t come in contact with parasites. I don’t know where in the world you live but if you have an avian vet you can contact, they may be better able to suggest what would work for your birds.
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What kind of worms are you trying to treat? Different types of wormers treat different parasites. Are your birds outside? I never worm my birds because they are only in the house where they don’t come in contact with parasites. I don’t know where in the world you live but if you have an avian vet you can contact, they may be better able to suggest what would work for your birds.
My Birds are outside Avery birds I have approx 40 birds including budgies

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