Worried about this new flightsuit... does it look "too big"???

Harnesses are not cruel to birds. I'm european and my bird wears a harness so I can safely bring him outside on walks and adventures with me (he loves it) rather than being cooped up rotting inside the house all day. I think it's more sad vice versa to have a bird clipped never able to leave the house but I ain't gonna get into this! LOL Plus, even clipped birds should ALWAYS have a harness on if being taken outside. Dogs wear a collar n' leash outside for safety and birds wear a harness. Quite simple logic ;)

I'm european (hungarian) and cannot wait to move back when I can finally afford to permanently leave the US! I thought I wanted to move back to CA but the taxes there are a KILLER. I have 4 citizenships: american, hungarian, swedish and canadian so I have 4 passports :)

99% of my family resides in sweden/norway... many people in the EU have these harnesses for their birds (no difference from in the US!). I buy the suits online... even amazon sells them as do tons of website online here is just one of them Bird Harness | eBay ... the company I just bought my diapered flithsuit from also sells internationally: Avian Fashions: International Customers

Parrot Bird Flight Suit Kit with Liners & Lanyard(leash) | eBay

Over here the harness is the standard, it's the suits that are seen as cruel. I agree with clipping but like you say it's a different issue to discuss elsewhere! I definitely want to try a suit or harness with my next feathered friend to get them out and about and even head to some shows to meet the bigger birds!
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  • #22
Harnesses are not cruel to birds. I'm european and my bird wears a harness so I can safely bring him outside on walks and adventures with me (he loves it) rather than being cooped up rotting inside the house all day. I think it's more sad vice versa to have a bird clipped never able to leave the house but I ain't gonna get into this! LOL Plus, even clipped birds should ALWAYS have a harness on if being taken outside. Dogs wear a collar n' leash outside for safety and birds wear a harness. Quite simple logic ;)

I'm european (hungarian) and cannot wait to move back when I can finally afford to permanently leave the US! I thought I wanted to move back to CA but the taxes there are a KILLER. I have 4 citizenships: american, hungarian, swedish and canadian so I have 4 passports :)

99% of my family resides in sweden/norway... many people in the EU have these harnesses for their birds (no difference from in the US!). I buy the suits online... even amazon sells them as do tons of website online here is just one of them Bird Harness | eBay ... the company I just bought my diapered flithsuit from also sells internationally: Avian Fashions: International Customers

Parrot Bird Flight Suit Kit with Liners & Lanyard(leash) | eBay

Over here the harness is the standard, it's the suits that are seen as cruel. I agree with clipping but like you say it's a different issue to discuss elsewhere! I definitely want to try a suit or harness with my next feathered friend to get them out and about and even head to some shows to meet the bigger birds!

Again I'm european and have lived in many places in the EU for many years and I did not find that to be the case at all but I digress.

You should see birds who have had the harnness put on them ONLY for a few minutes here and there as babies (unlike 'Nut and Rascal) so they get a little exposure to it to know to not fear the harness and how willing and easy it is for them to get the harness on as adults... the harness is normal /second nature to them in such cases. Harnesses are not painful for them... women wearing heels to please the opposite sex.... not that's PAIN walking around in those terrible things! hence why I went on strike a few years ago... threw all my heels away. NO thank you to that. flip flops for me... even when I was in stockholm during the winter I was in flip flops...people thought I was a bit crazy. I live in flip flops. I mean I had pants on and a warm jacket so what's the problem :p
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haha I agree with your protest! I hate heels on women, it looks soo... 1950's if you get what I mean.

I'm going to be looking in september for birds so hopefully there are some around then that are newborn and I can ask the breeder to harness train them before I come to steal the baby away!
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  • #24
haha I agree with your protest! I hate heels on women, it looks soo... 1950's if you get what I mean.

I'm going to be looking in september for birds so hopefully there are some around then that are newborn and I can ask the breeder to harness train them before I come to steal the baby away!

I am super jealous if you get a green cheek conure! I would LOVE to have a green cheek conure once day. I have wanted one for years... but since I plan on moving back to Budapest, Hungary in a few years it's going to be hassle enough taking my tiels with me overseas... plus right now I can't handle 3 birds I need to focus on my serious financial mess :(

Cockatiels are not on CITES... but conures are... so that is going to be even more problematic getting a green cheek conure overseas =(

Are you getting a green cheek? This lady on youtube sells them and she ships them... not internationally of course haha ;)

... but upon request she gets babies used to the flightsuit... here is a video of her showing demonstration of giving a couple different baby birds exposure to the suit:

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi4WgARE8L4"]How to put on a Parrot's Flight Suit - YouTube[/ame]

She also has video of the harness... not just the flightsuit. I found the harness much more difficult to put on than the flightsuit because the hole the bird's head must go through is so tiny on the harness and the flightsuit doesn't have that issue.

Here she is with the harness:

[ame="https://youtu.be/rTpbNokFKFw"]Aviator Harness with Shelby, Mambo and Gizmo - YouTube[/ame]
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  • #25
Check out this video I found a couple years ago about getting tiel harness trained which I forgot about. This girl has patience. Very impressive :D

[ame="https://youtu.be/U9Nfrsvz8CQ"]Harness Training Without Force! - YouTube[/ame]
I don't know I may get a green cheek but after losing my previous one I'm not too sure, I've got to have a spark with them. I may end up potentially with something slightly bigger like a Senegal. Just got to find what works for me and what gives me that spark.

Green Cheeks are definitely handfuls. Mine was pretty well behaved but when he got over-excited and began singing the song of his people it could get very tiresome, especially on a saturday morning after a night out
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  • #27
I don't know I may get a green cheek but after losing my previous one I'm not too sure, I've got to have a spark with them. I may end up potentially with something slightly bigger like a Senegal. Just got to find what works for me and what gives me that spark.

Green Cheeks are definitely handfuls. Mine was pretty well behaved but when he got over-excited and began singing the song of his people it could get very tiresome, especially on a saturday morning after a night out

Cool, make sure to post pics when you get him/her I would love to see! :)
GERALDINE???? :eek: :eek: ;)

I agree...it looks too big to me Juliet..I don't think I'd be comfy with that one.


LOL... my secret is out. I'm embarrassed to admit Rascal's name is really Geraldine!!! When I first bought him I named him Rascal but a friend immediately named him Geraldine as an inside joke (because my ex's name was Jerry) and ever since then EVERYONE started calling him Geraldine. It's such ridiculous name for a bird and silly especially since Rascal is a boy!! I always call him Geraldine because after a while the name just stuck and it felt weird calling him anything else... poor bird :eek:

I guess you could say his name is Rascal but his nickname is Geraldine haha :p

Well...Johnny Cash says there is a "Boy named Sue" and don't forget a male Amazon named Amy :rolleyes: now a boy ;tiel named Geraldine! :)

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  • #29
GERALDINE???? :eek: :eek: ;)

I agree...it looks too big to me Juliet..I don't think I'd be comfy with that one.


LOL... my secret is out. I'm embarrassed to admit Rascal's name is really Geraldine!!! When I first bought him I named him Rascal but a friend immediately named him Geraldine as an inside joke (because my ex's name was Jerry) and ever since then EVERYONE started calling him Geraldine. It's such ridiculous name for a bird and silly especially since Rascal is a boy!! I always call him Geraldine because after a while the name just stuck and it felt weird calling him anything else... poor bird :eek:

I guess you could say his name is Rascal but his nickname is Geraldine haha :p

Well...Johnny Cash says there is a "Boy named Sue" and don't forget a male Amazon named Amy :rolleyes: now a boy ;tiel named Geraldine! :)

LOL.... right on! ;)
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  • #30
Check out new video I just posted of Rascal.... errr ahem!! Excuse me I meant Geraldine wearing his old flightsuit LOL. He seems to like his OLD flightsuit better than the new overside flightsuit... here he is singing a tad in the old flightsuit :D ... should I get Gerladine a hot pink colored flightsuit? :p You can even get them monogrammed... I could get it to say "Poop Dispenser" or "Pooping Machine" something like that haha

[ame="https://youtu.be/NJCmt613TMI"]Rascal wearing his old flightsuit... - YouTube[/ame]

I now have NO flightsuits anymore because I just shipped the old and new flightsuit to Avian Fashions and they are going to modify the new suit to fit him better :)

You guys agree the old suit fits him better than the new? I also just noticed that it's not only the straps on the new suit that are about a quarter of an inch longer but the entire suit is longer and larger itself... so no wonder it didn't fit. I love Avian Fashions though (place I bought the flightsuits from)... the lady there is super helpful!
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the old suit looked much better. Hugged him a little, could see a gap between his chest and the suit. Also he was clearly annoyed by the new one cause he kept biting it!

All this stuff with Gerald is opening me up to the idea of a nice tiel. Just gotta find a way to deal with the dust!
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  • #32
the old suit looked much better. Hugged him a little, could see a gap between his chest and the suit. Also he was clearly annoyed by the new one cause he kept biting it!

All this stuff with Gerald is opening me up to the idea of a nice tiel. Just gotta find a way to deal with the dust!

It could be that the looser straps were more annoying to him or something...

I love tiels but honestly the next bird I get is going to be a green cheek conure or a black capped conure. My whole life I've only had tiels and a few budgies. I've never had a conure before... one day I would love to though!

'Nut is a serious handful though.. he is CRAZY. He is all over the place all the time whereas Geraldine just sits on my lap and is super laid back.

... when you said your GCC was a handful I assume it's because he too, like 'Nut, was all over the place? 'Nut is psycho... it's as if he has fire ants up his butt 24/7 or something LOL ... he just goes and goes!

'Nut is definitely higher maintenance than Geraldine for sure :eek:
yep exactly like nut. Always darting around the place at mach speed which would excite him, which would start the screeching. The worst time he was with his screech was if I let him look out the skylight. I had a rope boing hanging from it and if he looked out of it he would screech non-stop until I closed it, which became very quick as that noise at 7AM on a friday when you got home drunk at 4AM is not fun. Also on the couple occasions he bit me it hurt like hell and I had real trouble telling when a bite was coming from him. When he would calm down or was focused on me he was the sweetest thing ever. From what I have gathered the black caps have a slightly more mellow temperament and are a tiny bit quieter than green cheeks, same for Pearly conures which is what I may get. They're amazing to look at. The place I'm going to in september luckily sells pretty much every type of bird I'm looking at so I'm most likely going to find someone to bring home
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  • #34
yep exactly like nut. Always darting around the place at mach speed which would excite him, which would start the screeching. The worst time he was with his screech was if I let him look out the skylight. I had a rope boing hanging from it and if he looked out of it he would screech non-stop until I closed it, which became very quick as that noise at 7AM on a friday when you got home drunk at 4AM is not fun. Also on the couple occasions he bit me it hurt like hell and I had real trouble telling when a bite was coming from him. When he would calm down or was focused on me he was the sweetest thing ever. From what I have gathered the black caps have a slightly more mellow temperament and are a tiny bit quieter than green cheeks, same for Pearly conures which is what I may get. They're amazing to look at. The place I'm going to in september luckily sells pretty much every type of bird I'm looking at so I'm most likely going to find someone to bring home

Oh wow... sounds like a serious handful indeed yikes! LOL

... wow I never even heard of pearly conures before... they almost look like black capped conures?

So beautiful :D
yeah I never heard of them. The bits of blue on them make them look so pretty! There's so many different types of the smaller conure it's kind of crazy

As much of a handful he could be Rio was an amazing bird, his screeches could be identified, he never attacked me and was learning bite pressure. He was a velcro bird when I was around but going to work he never made a peep, going to the bathroom without him though was a different situation! He would call until I re-appeared. Was handy for teaching him screeching didn't make me appear.

He was a little character too, liked watching Anime and loved Johnny cash, he would just stare at me whenever I sang along all happy and puffy
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  • #36
yeah I never heard of them. The bits of blue on them make them look so pretty! There's so many different types of the smaller conure it's kind of crazy

As much of a handful he could be Rio was an amazing bird, his screeches could be identified, he never attacked me and was learning bite pressure. He was a velcro bird when I was around but going to work he never made a peep, going to the bathroom without him though was a different situation! He would call until I re-appeared. Was handy for teaching him screeching didn't make me appear.

He was a little character too, liked watching Anime and loved Johnny cash, he would just stare at me whenever I sang along all happy and puffy

Yes I hear GCCs are like little clowns... funny amazing little birds they are :D I saw a couple GCCs at the shop and they were running upside down... laying on their backs. I was watching GCC vids on youtube the other day... they are hilarious birds.. I could play with them and watch them all day :D

... thank goodness 'Nut doesn't do that screeching though yikes ;)
yeah I never heard of them. The bits of blue on them make them look so pretty! There's so many different types of the smaller conure it's kind of crazy

As much of a handful he could be Rio was an amazing bird, his screeches could be identified, he never attacked me and was learning bite pressure. He was a velcro bird when I was around but going to work he never made a peep, going to the bathroom without him though was a different situation! He would call until I re-appeared. Was handy for teaching him screeching didn't make me appear.

He was a little character too, liked watching Anime and loved Johnny cash, he would just stare at me whenever I sang along all happy and puffy

Yes I hear GCCs are like little clowns... funny amazing little birds they are :D I saw a couple GCCs at the shop and they were running upside down... laying on their backs. I was watching GCC vids on youtube the other day... they are hilarious birds.. I could play with them and watch them all day :D

... thank goodness 'Nut doesn't do that screeching though yikes ;)

yeah definitely little clowns! The screech is the big let down for them in my eyes. Mostly the pitch of it though, it's very shrill and high pitched, and they can get nippy when they're old but all birds seem to go through that. Rio never got that far though

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