Wow! Nice opportunity!


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
My niece (one of six) sent this picture to me last night. While she was at work she got a rare opportunity. I love it, I would have taken it too. Beautiful owl and he is so HUGE! I'm still waiting for her to tell me how this opportunity came about.

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:eek: Holy smokes, that owl looks GINORMOUS and GORGEOUS!!! And your niece is so pretty, too!! :D Is it a great horned owl? AWESOME photo! Thanks so much for sharing.
He's beautiful. My mom had a handicapped GHO for about ten years...
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Great Photo! The look on your niece's face is priceless! That's a big beautiful bird, how awesome.
I really want to get my falconry permit, but it's a lot of work! I'm looking into wildlife rehabilitation though too because I love doing it. Also since I live in Philly, the zoo has a birds of prey section, I'd love to work with them or at the wildlife rehabilitation center a bit away. I love all birds!!
I really want to get my falconry permit, but it's a lot of work! I'm looking into wildlife rehabilitation though too because I love doing it. Also since I live in Philly, the zoo has a birds of prey section, I'd love to work with them or at the wildlife rehabilitation center a bit away. I love all birds!!

My Mom and I did that with the Lindsay Museum when I was younger...

Raptors are interesting, but parrots have WAY more personality.
Ohhhhhh... I have Owl Envy! What a great photo - your niece looks absolutely stoked to be holding such a magnificent bird. The owl looks absolutely ho-hum about being held I think he has Higher Things on his mind, perhaps? I love owls: your niece is a lucky girl. Please tell her Trish from Australia says 'G'day' and 'It should've been ME!' ;)

PS. Not everyone has the backbone to hold a large raptor like that. It says a lot about your niece that she did it. :)
Very cool!

We had an opportunity to hold an owl and a Gyrfalcon at the Cape May Fall Birding Festival a couple of years ago. They hosted a raptor show and for a fee (of course) you could hold one of three birds and have your photo taken with it!

Birds are just fascinating!
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Ohhhhhh... I have Owl Envy! What a great photo - your niece looks absolutely stoked to be holding such a magnificent bird. The owl looks absolutely ho-hum about being held I think he has Higher Things on his mind, perhaps? I love owls: your niece is a lucky girl. Please tell her Trish from Australia says 'G'day' and 'It should've been ME!' ;)

PS. Not everyone has the backbone to hold a large raptor like that. It says a lot about your niece that she did it. :)

Thanks! I envy her. She has tried so hard to be friends with Buddy, my GCA but he's a stinker. I was so surprised at this, not that she's afraid but such a beautiful raptor or bird of prey, WOW!!! But that she had such a magnificent and beautiful bird on her arm. He's beautiful, and so HUGE!!! I'm still waiting for details from her. She's been in class most of today, patience is hard.
Beautiful!! Amazing!!
What a pretty owl! Your niece is very lucky!
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I'd love to hold an owl! He's gigantic... I wonder how much he weighs?

I finally got to talk to my niece. She said a group stopped to eat at the restaurant she works at and they invited her and the employees out to see their animals. They travel and do shows. The owl is female and weighed about 3lbs. She said it wasn't heavy at first but got heavy quick. She really enjoyed the experience and I told her, that was a great, rare experience, never forget it.

My rare and great experience was when I was a teen and got to get up close and personal with a baby African elephant. He chased my cousin and I, and hit us with his trunk. Regardless of the chase and hit, it was amazing and I'll never forget it.

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