You know you're a "bird person" when:


Bird poop and baby poop
Dec 26, 2006
New Hampshire USA
15 year-old Sun Conure: Hamlet &
14 year-old Green-Cheeked Conure: Mac
Ok folks, I found this topic on another forum that I was browsing and I had to copy and paste some of the answers cause I am sure that all of you will get a great laugh out of it.

The question that was posted was an open-ended one: You know you're a bird person when ...

Please read these answers and then add your own this could be really funny.
You know you're a bird person when:

When you enjoy spending over an hour searching for the perfect, new bird toys, out of the hundreds of possibilities, just so your special fids will be extra happy.

When you judge all household items by "bird toy potential"

When you take 3 birds at once on a trip to the store to pick out their own toys

Your bird has more expensive toys than you do.

Your find yourself making play dates for your fid at the local bird club general meeting.

You have more pictures of your bird in your wallet than you have pictures of other family members.

You bring home the perfect toy for your bird. Then while enthusiastically showing your bird how to play with the toy you look out the window and notice several people looking in at you.

You've mastered the one handed typing technique, because your fid enjoys napping on your other hand, while you're posting here.

When you spend more money at the pet store than at the grocery store or mall...or when every time you go to the store and have to get something for your bird

You know your a bird person when the Avian Vet has your credit card number memorized.

When you have three different vets on speed dial on your cell phone.

When you ask your dog to step up when you meant to say " Shake"

When your two-year old child runs up to you and says " Step Up" and holds up his arms to be picked up. Just because he has seen it work for the bird so many times.

You know your a bird person when people come over to your home see bird poop on your furniture and get grossed out and you think its no big deal

You eat a chocolate bar in the closet so the birds don't feel left out.

You feed your kids McDonalds but cook dinner for the birds.

The typical temper tantrum from your child includes "you love your birds more then you love me".

When you come home from work, pull into the garage and wait to hear the intense squawking that is going to start right about.... now. And then you grin from ear to ear ... then rush into the house and into the bird room to hold and kiss your birds, and all the while your hubby (or wife) is standing in the kitchen pouting because he (or she) wasn't first.

When you dream about birds

When you hold conversations with them and expect them to answer back.. and they do and your not even surprised

When you can't tell if it's a family member or a bird talking to you, or shouting your name

When you get up early in the morning just to spend extra time with your birds, when you have other things you need to do.

When your bird friends send you voicemails of their birds singing and talking
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That is great and very true

.........When you feel so ill even a pin drop sounds like a bomb has gone off inside your head, but you don't batter an eyelid when your fids are screaming at the tops of their voices.
:) just read these..thanks for posting them..we really got a laugh but..oh so true..out of them..i made a copy and sent it out to other bird lovers whom will also enjoy reading it made me think of a few of my own..thanks again..
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Peta, I know you have Kids (yes, the non-feathered type) how many times have you heard this ...

The typical temper tantrum from your child includes "you love your birds more then you love me".
Peta, I know you have Kids (yes, the non-feathered type) how many times have you heard this ...

The typical temper tantrum from your child includes "you love your birds more then you love me".

Everytime they get into a temper tantrum with me. Which is usually at least once in the morning, afternoon and evening.:D
How did you guess. :D

Also a Teenage Daughter at that :eek: :eek: :eek:
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Ok, dredging this thread up cause I just got a new one today ... you guys ready ...

You know you're a bird person when:

the content of your clothes dryer's lint trap contains ALMONDS (really, I have no idea how this happened ... but there must have been a almond or something in a pocket ... )
clothes dryer's lint trap contains ALMONDS (really, I have no idea how this happened ... but there must have been a almond or something in a pocket ... )

peanuts and sunflower seeds :rolleyes:

You know you are a bird person when....
When you are always arguing about what you can and can not feed the bird
what you can or can not do around the bird

This is an every day thing in my house, then I have to explain why, and they still dont understand, then I have to break out the books :D

another one
You know you are a bird person when....
one of your main top of conversation is your bird (or what birds on this site) say and do

ok ONE MORE :p
You know you are a bird person when....
You call family members/or when they come home, the first thing you say is "Guess what the bird did today..."
You know you are a bird person when....
You call family members/or when they come home, the first thing you say is "Guess what the bird did today..."

Yeah, I'm always phoning Andi (Hubby) up at work and saying guess what Bucc/Kito have just done. Or the little guys came out today :D :D
You know you are a bird person when....
one of your main top of conversation is your bird (or what birds on this site) say and do

So true. Just the other day I was trying to talk my parents into getting a Senegal, and all I kept saying was "A person on Parrot Forums has one and hers seems so nice and quiet and sweet...."
So true. Just the other day I was trying to talk my parents into getting a Senegal, and all I kept saying was "A person on Parrot Forums has one and hers seems so nice and quiet and sweet...."

LOL yeah I'm always taking about people and their birds on this site!!! As for Popsicle I'm so happy I got her and I know I will always have a Senegal in my life!!! I would recommend them to anyone. I hand trained her from being a viscious little thing to be my little "angel" or something close to it!!!
:D :D Well yeah, he is a bit gobby, Just like his Mum I guess, his latest thing is whatch doin' wats dat, why:D :D
You know your a bird person when the Avian Vet has your credit card number memorized.

Your bird has more expensive toys than you do.

You've mastered the one handed typing technique, because your fid enjoys napping on your other hand, while you're posting here.

When you spend more money at the pet store than at the grocery store or mall...or when every time you go to the store and have to get something for your bird

haha those ones are funny!
LOL yeah I'm always taking about people and their birds on this site!!! As for Popsicle I'm so happy I got her and I know I will always have a Senegal in my life!!! I would recommend them to anyone. I hand trained her from being a viscious little thing to be my little "angel" or something close to it!!!

yess ill be hopefully have one(senegal) by next christmas, hgopefully earlier though.. hopefully mroe like before september but you see havea horrible spending addiction and i am doing all i can do to try not to spend my 200$ that i have at the mo/. well i am well not too pleased to say that the breeder has RAISED the price for senegals by 100$ so now its 675$ so i would have only needed another about 75$(because dna sexing) but now i need like 175$ :( plus i need a cage. and a few more toys i got the rest of the stuff already. so right now i am 275$ away from a senegal. lets see i get 100 dollars a month soooo... that means hopefully by july i will have enough for a prescious little baby senegal. and then after that i will have to see whne the breeder will have them next. darn darn darn why'd the breeder have to be going and raising the price like that!

oh yes every science class i calculate the bird costs over and over again aha. and take more and more notes on bird breeds. my mo actually said ot me if i spent that much time on doing school work id be getting straight A's. Birds are more important to me than the honour role! the honour role means nothing to me to many goody goody kids(no affence to anyone who is or was on it) are on it.
This is the Senegal I've been bugging my mom about. She's all for it, but now it's time to work on my dad. She will be 'their' bird of course. haha, but of course I'm sure I'll spend as much time with her as I can. Unfortunately, my dad isn't quite as much of a softy as my mom, so we probably won't get her.

Thought I'd share the pic. anyway


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aww my dad isn't much into animals either.. except for of course horses but pshh who wants a horse.. lol jk horses are alright anyway ya what my mom and i did when we wanted a dog was we just got one with out saying anything. athen 10 years later we got a second dog but by that time my dad grew to apreciate dogs. Now whenever i ask for a pet my dad just says 'as long as its not another dog i dont care'.. haha 2 dogs i enough anyway.
Horses, oh I'd have one or two of them, Andi would kill me though, he takes the birds in his stride but a horse think that would be pushing my luck a bit too far. :D
This is the Senegal I've been bugging my mom about. She's all for it, but now it's time to work on my dad. She will be 'their' bird of course. haha, but of course I'm sure I'll spend as much time with her as I can. Unfortunately, my dad isn't quite as much of a softy as my mom, so we probably won't get her.

Thought I'd share the pic. anyway

She is cute, but I am a sucker for Senegals. How old is she? I notice she does have the yellow coloring now in her eyes. I don't think Popsicle will ever get that.

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