Your experience with female budgies


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
I'd like to get an idea of how common it is to have issues with female budgies related to egg binding, or excessive egg laying.

I have my eye on a potential friend for my male who has been missing a budgie buddy since last summer when some of you remember I lost Pix. This bird I'm considering is not DNA'd and may very well be a female. I don't have experience with egg laying female birds. I hear the small prolific species are prone to these problems, which worries me, although many people have kept females long term without reproductive problems.

Has anyone had egg binding problems even with a bird on an exemplary diet with fresh foods and plenty of calcium?

Have you had issues with excessive egg laying even when the birds were NOT provided with a nest box or nesting materials?

I'm wondering if in the case of excessive laying, it just happens that the hormones go into overdrive sometimes and there's nothing we can do to avoid it, or is there?
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A girlfriend for Twigs? You know your other boys will want dates too right:D
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Not that I need anymore birds lol... But this is the excuse (and it's a good one)!

Honestly, I was not necessarily going to get another budgie friend for Twigs after Pix died. I'm fine with just the 4 boys I have now. Lately though, it's become apparent that I can no longer trust the parrots with Twigs. Griffin had caught him by the flight feather once, and the tail and hung him upside down by his tail twice in two weeks. Twigs really trusts Griffin and gets close to him because Griffin used to be tolerant with him and would even kiss him, but now Griffin is turning on his little friend and I don't want him hurt.

Twigs will get a flight cage with a buddy of his own kind (which IMHO budgies really need), and put in another room when they're let out of the cage. Twigs will miss Raven's cage and hanging out with the guys if I do that, and I'll feel bad, but I'd feel worse if he got killed.

April, I think Raven and Griffin would get jealous if one or the other had a girlfriend lol! Then Robin, he's a loner... He's hated birds for 20 years, and I don't see him changing on that lol.
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I don't know but I will be following this thread since I just got a female budgie. I am concerned about egg binding too.
I think another budgie, regardless of gender, will be best for Twig. I've never had any problems with female budgies laying as long as there is no nesting box/material. I've had male/female pairs with no difficulty. Female budgies are picky, and they may have sex with a male a few times and then suddenly lose interest. But a budgie pair, regardless of gender benefit greatly from each other. Budgies bicker occasionally, but it's never an actual issue. They will most assuredly become inseperable , even if they don't become sexually active. I think it's awesome that you're considering a budgie companion for Twig. He will only benefit from it. Go for it :) and share pics the day you do! Trust me it's a good thing. :)
Just from my personal experience, budgies don't do well on pellets, there is too much protein and calories. Pellets with budgies can cause terrible obesity, chronic egg-laying and hormonal behavior, and severe kidney issues due to excessive protein. So keep them on seeds, sprouts, veggies, greens (lots of greens) and fruits and you'll have much less hormonal activity. Commercial pellets have far too much protein for budgies IMO, and too much protein can be disastrous with budgies, and induce chronic egg-laying. :) can't wait to see Twig's new BFF!
I've had many female budgies and they all died of old age. None of them ever had a problem with egg binding... none of them ever laid eggs, but I never provided nesting material or anything that could be considered a nest. Toys YES, nests NO.
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Thank you Chris :) I was hoping you'd see this. I know you've had years of budgie experience.

Thank you for the budgie diet advice too. That makes sense if extra protein is what you want if you want to breed... I will do anything to avoid them multiplying!

Although I had parrots for years, I was never previously interested in Budgies before I found Twigs. I just didn't know what I was missing all those years!
I got into budgies by accident. I got Twigs and his late buddy near Christmas 2012 when Twigs caught my eye at the store with his beautiful unusual colors. I HAD TO have him. Believe it or not, (and after having larger species as well), budgies are now a close second after Poicephalus parrots as my favorite genus! :D There's just something unique and irresistable about the adorable, funny little guys!
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I've had many female budgies and they all died of old age. None of them ever had a problem with egg binding... none of them ever laid eggs, but I never provided nesting material or anything that could be considered a nest. Toys YES, nests NO.

That sounds like good news :). Thank you, it seems like NO nest material is the key along with proper diet.
Lol I'm happy you got bit by the budgie bug...I was bit by it at 5 and have never outgrown it. :). Budgies are super smart, and very emotional, sensitive, and prone to bouts of terrible jealousy. And they are some of the most beautiful, crisp little flying machines in the parrot world.
Twig is the cutest little guy, and I look forward to seeing pics of him engaging with his new friend. Pairs of budgies never go wrong. You have nothing to worry about, just keep the protein low. You can up the protein just a bit during moulting season, but only then...they're very sensitive to too much protein. :) if you get a mixed pair, you shouldn't have any trouble with egg laying. That usually happens (without nest box) in groups of budgies who are all cycling together, if at all. Without a nesting site it almost never happens even if they mate every day.
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Wow yet more interesting Budgie facts Chris :)! Yeah, no nestbox for sure. I also don't plan to keep a whole colony either (as tempting as it might be). I'll have my hands full enough with all my guys as it is! My MBS is Multiple Budgie Syndrome :D so two it is...

Oh, and I love the new avatar of Kumar lol

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