Zoo-Max educational games- anyone's birds learning shapes, counting and colors?


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
Does anyone else use Zoo-Max educational toys with their bird? Any luck getting your bird to learn to identify shapes, colors and count with them? I have been looking at these for a while and just haven't ordered yet. Kiwi seems to be a masterful puzzle solver by nature and quite capable of learning abstract concepts, though I'm not having so much luck getting him interested in learning colors/shapes (haven't even touched on counting yet). Thinking this line of toys designed by experts may be better suited to teaching than the random objects I've rounded up to use?

Zoo-Max bird products manufacturer. Educational Parrot Toys

I'm thinking those color boxes that you can hide treats in look like perhaps the best option for color-training (?)
http://www.zoo-max.com/502 Color Cubes (4)

Also not sure if getting this one "teach box" for counting/shape would be best:
Zoo-Max bird products manufacturer. bird toys

Or if it would be better to get the puzzle for shape teaching
Zoo-Max bird products manufacturer. bird toys

and the "power game" for counting:
Zoo-Max bird products manufacturer. bird toys
(or teach him to play connect-4 lolololol)
I have looked at this thinking smarty pants Jillie would like them and now that I have Willow for a while it might be fun to start that kind of learning with her as well.

I doubt Brady would be interested though the acrylic toys she has are her favorite to knock around and generally beat up.

I think the handsome and most intelligent Mr Kiwi would love them!:D
I've used human toddler toys for this. (Colored cups, stacking rings)

I haven't ever used actual bird toys...

The colored toddler cups, you can get those at the dollar store, for like, a dollar. And just stick a treat in one... works the same way...

Plus it doubles as a stack, and unstack, and then throw across the room toy.

I got the stacking rings thing from a used baby store, I believe, like ten years or more ago, for practically nothing.

I also got three of those shapes, and picture wooden puzzles... and that works great. All toddler toys, that birdie's love.
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I've used human toddler toys for this. (Colored cups, stacking rings)

I haven't ever used actual bird toys...

The colored cups, you can get those at the dollar store, for like, a dollar. And just stick a treat in one... works the same way...

Plus it doubles as a stack, and unstack, and then throw across the room toy.

Wouldn't a cup be a bit big for an amazon to handle?

I've been using bits and pieces of baby toys, but he KNOWS those are HIS toys and it's been causing issues. I think having a 'neutral' set of objects he doesn't already identify as his to do with as he pleases may help. Kiwi is very smart, he understands the difference between our stuff and his.

BTW, have you had much luck teaching any of your birds any of those concepts? Kiwi can "stack" and put objects in cups or boxes already. He can also put his toys back on those plastic links for toddlers after taking them off. He shows clear signs of intelligence, it's a matter of "refining" it.
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I have looked at this thinking smarty pants Jillie would like them and now that I have Willow for a while it might be fun to start that kind of learning with her as well.

I doubt Brady would be interested though the acrylic toys she has are her favorite to knock around and generally beat up.

I think the handsome and most intelligent Mr Kiwi would love them!:D

Hey! You should try to teach Jillie:) I'm sure she would love learning. And that baby bird is just too cute. Would you be able to make much progress before she weans and goes home though?
They are those small, stacking cups. The kind the toddlers use.

Sally can stack, and unstack the cups. She's a red lored, which is medium sized amazon.

I actually bought those things for Sweepea and Tusk, but she's the one who played with them the most...
I have looked at this thinking smarty pants Jillie would like them and now that I have Willow for a while it might be fun to start that kind of learning with her as well.

I doubt Brady would be interested though the acrylic toys she has are her favorite to knock around and generally beat up.

I think the handsome and most intelligent Mr Kiwi would love them!:D

Hey! You should try to teach Jillie:) I'm sure she would love learning. And that baby bird is just too cute. Would you be able to make much progress before she weans and goes home though?

I am not sure she would really "get" it in such a short time but I do introduce lots of new things, toys, household items and noises in the whole socialization process. They agreed that they want me to have her fully weaned and eating on her own for a least a week and flying and landing well. Right now her flight feathers are still coming in so she has a bit of time to go. I also never give an absolute time/date of pick up, it is when the baby is ready.
Yeah. They're not all there yet.

At that age you introduce toys, just so that they don't flee in terror at the sight of them...

Unless they are like that baby BTM, who had to have something to occupy her.
That bird would have done stacking cups and rings.
Mr.Man is our CAG, these are some of his favorite toys!


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