
  1. D

    Somebody please help my Sunconure chick

    Hi everyone, I have a baby Sunconure about 45-50 days old. Today i noticed a bubble under his tongue, something like a wart in human body. We are giving only hand feeling formula (Delinight Start) as his food& he is taking food without any problem. He is staying on wood shells attached with a...
  2. G

    My baby conure is making noises

    Hi guys, I just got my yellow sided green cheek baby 2 days ago and just yesterday he started making little noises every second and flapping his wings. I've searched it up but I can't find an answer to what it means! Why is he doing this??
  3. B

    Sudden Female Conure Aggression

    I rehomed my 10 year old rescue Conure Jake, about a year and a bit ago. When I first got her she was a little bit nippy with hands but would step up and loved a cuddle. Over the last 2-3 months she has suddenly become aggressive with not just me but everyone, going so far as to not take even...