24 hours later, new life!


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month šŸ†
Dec 30, 2021
Sunny: Sun conure, hatch 2/2021
2 days ago, Sunny (who had grown in flight feathers after molt- came to us clipped) flew to my shoulder randomly. I praised, treated, then put her back where she had flown from. Asked her to come, made head bobs, and eventually she did it again! Treat, praise, replace to spot. 5-6 times later and she was just sailing off that spot. I changed her location, and nope. Yesterday- put her in the ā€˜flyā€™ spot, and took right off and to shoulder. So I took her to different places, and with some time and coaxing, she came to my shoulder. Now today- she is a maniac!!!!šŸ¤£ She will fly off anything, I even put her on top of the shower door (quite tall) and sat on the floor, she jumped off that door and dive-bombed down to my shoulder like a pro šŸ˜. So a huge part of the day she would take of from my shoulder, take a few laps and come back, or go to her perch. Then perch, laps, perch or my shoulder. There were even a few flights where she didnt look exactly like she knew where she wanted to go, I called her and she redirected to me. I couldnā€™t be more excited for her. Her longest flight today was probably 30 feet by taking 2 laps around our great room and she maintained steady altitude. This beautiful little sun burst is flat out exhausted tonight !!! Its hilarious, she ran off my arm into her cage like, ā€œoh! Thank goodness!! BED!!ā€
I am so great full for this site- I had always thought you clipped parrots, just no clue. So reading about it was eye opening, but frankly scary. Now, I can only imagine how devastated and depressed this little beauty would be if her wings got clipped and there is not a chance on earth that I could inflict that upon my fid. So thanks all!!!! Will keep you posted on her adventures
edit to add; I have been showing her all the windows for months now. She has daily black taps on random windows and so far really seems to be aware that they are there
Thatā€™s awesome! Just be so aware of open doors! Between my JoJo and the outside is always a locked door! And I live alone! They arenā€™t tryin to escape, itā€™s a natural reaction to fly towards a brighter light! Then, blind panic!
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Yes- open doors!!!! It just terrifies me to no end. When we had our canary aviary it had the sally port system, so if they escaped thru the door, they were still in a secure area. I have been trying to figure out how to handle it when the grandkids are here etc. going to have to get hard-core on them just running in and out, and probable no bird out while they (kiddos) are playing
Yes- open doors!!!! It just terrifies me to no end. When we had our canary aviary it had the sally port system, so if they escaped thru the door, they were still in a secure area. I have been trying to figure out how to handle it when the grandkids are here etc. going to have to get hard-core on them just running in and out, and probable no bird out while they (kiddos) are playing
Kids in the house? No bird out! When the grandrats are over, I lock the doors to whatever room I have JoJo in! Totally unfair to expect a non bird person to be so diligent, especially a child!
Plus, it takes zero seconds for your bird to think sheā€™s protecting you and the house!
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i couldnā€™t agree more. No way to expect a kid to pay attention to a bird being out or not when there is fun to be had outside!! And Your comment about the bird being locked in another room makes sense. I think I need to get a closure device they canā€™t open, and put her in my room
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She has been doing really good with her flying, and her recall is better than the dogs, which I point out to him, but he doesnā€™t care at all.šŸ¤£ You can tell she is having a great time- will zoom from her perch on the window sill (our sills are very deep so her landing spot is well away from the glass) to her play-pen perch, to cage, to human, and then do it all over again. Sometimes she will just do a few laps and go back to same spot and you can she her breathing heavy after those runs. Its been amazing to watch.
Her window sill perch has a great view. It looks over our back patio and a fountain that functions as the neighborhood bird fountain so has very heavy bird traffic- completely fascinates her.
this is her window perch, (not the greatest photo, too light in background)

I made it from a flower pot, plaster, manzanita branches, and glass ā€˜stonesā€™. She just loves it, you can see how fluffed up she is ā¤ļø
edit- just noticed that you canā€™t even see the whole perch/sill set up. Then discovered I dont have a photo of the whole thingā€¦.. ok, that will have to be later!šŸ˜
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An update on on little flighted one! I have just been amused to no end by her zipping all over. She very frequently doesnā€™t want to stay in one place for long. Just zips between, me, perch, window sill, cage, me, perch, hubby, ā€¦ etc. is just on the go. i think it is so cute when she decides to take a few laps before landing, then when she is perched you can see her little belly pumping with her heavy breathing. It looks like she is really trying to push herself. So things that have happened:
She is learning her way around- when I go into my room with her on my shoulder, she will take off for 6 feet, hang a tight right, then left and land on her perch on the bathroom sill. she has taken off to look for me an gone around corners following my voice then landed on my shoulder. When I leave her on a perch, and leave the area, i ask her it she wants to come with me. She will usually come to my shoulder, if not I tell her ā€œwaitā€ be right back- she shrieks, but is there when I return. I am just so incredibly impresses!!! BUT!!! Always a but šŸ™„ She frequently flies super low! She will jump off her perch then swoop low, sometimes 10 inches above the floor!,. She will zoom all over that low then pump like crazy to get altitude to landing spot. Is this normal? Kinda freaks me out at times. You hear her flying in the kitchen, but canā€™t see her until she comes zooming around the island cabinets!
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Wow! Little sun burst is really getting this flying thing down! At first you could tell that steering was a bit of a challenge (much to my amusement) and she is seeming to really enjoy flying all over. She very frequently will just do some laps, take off and land same spot- over and over. Think it is just fun for her and probably feels really good to ā€˜flexā€™ her wings like that. She is also starting to learn where her perches are, even in different rooms and will circulate amongst them when feeling adventurous. One thing I am both amazed at and grateful for; she will now fly to a perch to poop, most of the time!! I havenā€™t been pooped on in a few days now. Nice!
My one really big concern- she will at times fly really low. She will jump of the perch, and fly to where ever- but olny a foot or less off the floor!!! I have been walking and bumped her accidentally when she zoomed by, and it just sorta freaks me out. Is this normal, flying so low? Wonder if she is dropping down to gain momentum? But just curious and confused as why she does this all the time
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Sunny has been likening the window in the master bathroom and has made a new friend

They have been meeting at the window a few times a day last 3 days. The little Mountain Chicadee and Sunny
Ahhhhhh I love her so much!! That last photo is so special! New friend!

I don't know about her flying low - I am having no luck with random Google searches for foraging habits in the wild - but I'm guessing she feels very comfortable and safe in your house to be doing so šŸ„°
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Cotton- yes, Im just not sure! The other day she flew under the dining room table, with chairs and benchs on 2 sides!! She circled around a number of times then found an exit on the end:oops:. But good golly!!! i canā€™t believe she did that! She seems to be very aware of her environment and obstacles when flying so thatā€™s at least one plus. Today- for the first time, she took off and gained altitude. So maybe it was a confidence thing? Guess we will see with time.
Cotton- yes, Im just not sure! The other day she flew under the dining room table, with chairs and benchs on 2 sides!! She circled around a number of times then found an exit on the end:oops:. But good golly!!! i canā€™t believe she did that! She seems to be very aware of her environment and obstacles when flying so thatā€™s at least one plus. Today- for the first time, she took off and gained altitude. So maybe it was a confidence thing? Guess we will see with time.

That's incredible! It's going to be so much fun to see her skills improve!!

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