A couple questions about my baby bird(:


New member
Feb 6, 2013
6 year old quaker named Penguin
One year old green cheek conure/sun conure hybrid
Today is my baby sun conure/green cheek conure hybrid 8 month old birthday!! Any ways, we haven't clipped his wings since we brought him home about 5 months ago. His flight feathers have grown back in and he is flying like crazy. Hes olny flys when I tell him to and he can fly an easy 10 feet. Is it okay to keep encouraging the flying? Also my quaker(he is six) used to be able to fly very, very well. We clipped 3 of his 6 flight feathers until he was settled in our home. How long will it take them to grow back? He loved to fly so much that I feel bad not letting him. A few more questions. Pickles(My hybrid) regurgitates often for me. This is normal right? It isnt much. Usually a mushed up sunflower seed or other seed. Another thing. Penguin(my quaker) loses probably 20-30 little fluffy feathers everyday. He doesn't look even close to under feathered. If anything he has too many feathers. Is this normal? Any answers are appreciated:)


New member
Jan 4, 2012
USA Georgia
Sugar the Blue Crown Conure♂, Merlin the Camelot Macaw♂
flying is healthy for your bird it makes most birds happier and all birds benefit from flying its what they were made to do after all :) I would say start harness training him so you can take him places with you and outside safely! I recommend the aviator harness its the best and safest and comes with an instructional dvd. Usually birds molt every 6 months after their first molt some take longer though. Regurgitating is normal it means your bird loves you very much! Just dont let it get out of control, like he wont stop does it constantly or tries to mate with you then stop him. All my birds are molting now cause its spring and there are soooo many feathers some molt more feathers than others sounds like Penguin is just molting. Good luck :)


New member
Nov 24, 2010
Nanday, suns, parrotlet, Patagonian
Like Marcia mentioned, it sounds like Penguin is beginning his moulting.....

While regurgitating is an indication that the bird likes you, it is more of a mating indication...birds regurgitate for their mates or for birds they are trying to entice to become their mate...they will often regurgitate for a bird/object or human.....

You should try discouraging your bird(s) from regurgitating on you so they don't develop an attitude from frustration.....

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