A little slice of the Amazon in Trinidad

What a wonderful transformation, they are truly looking great!

When you can, please add soft wood toys for them, they look more than ready to be playing with them.

Thank-you, for your effort! It is clearly showing!
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  • #22
I have a question regarding their diet, what staple food should I begin transitioning them too and when should I stop feeding the hand feeding formula. For lunch I alternate among bananas, cucumbers, paw-paw and mangos depending on availability. I have not tried them with any seeds but I have started to give them natural almonds which they enjoy. Rio is able to hold them with his foot and eat comfortably but Bella has yet to develop this skill although being older than Rio.

Here are some more pictures from today, enjoy.



Rio on the left, Bella on the Right
What 'Pellet' brands are available in Trinidad?

Commonly, a good quality pellet would begin to replace what you are currently providing. At about 50% of the diet with the other 50% made-up of Veges. Stay away from Sunflower Seeds!
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  • #25
What 'Pellet' brands are available in Trinidad?

Commonly, a good quality pellet would begin to replace what you are currently providing. At about 50% of the diet with the other 50% made-up of Veges. Stay away from Sunflower Seeds!

I should be able to get my hands on Zupreem pellets and pretty much any type of Higgins seeds.
OK, start with the pellets as so as you can get them. The switch over should be based over time, say a month at most. Starting with offering a couple and increasing during each feeding from there.

The seed should be introduced after they are well into the solid food (pellets). Regarding the seed base, look for their greatest cross-section of seeds, grains, nuts, freeze dried fruits and veges. Pull out the SunFlower Seeds and give them to the Wild Birds. Same with peanuts.

The offering of the seed+ items should be no greater than 50 /50 at most.
Great to see your beautiful babies again! Rio is growing up :). I think the two will love some chew toys too.
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  • #28
OK, start with the pellets as so as you can get them. The switch over should be based over time, say a month at most. Starting with offering a couple and increasing during each feeding from there.

The seed should be introduced after they are well into the solid food (pellets). Regarding the seed base, look for their greatest cross-section of seeds, grains, nuts, freeze dried fruits and veges. Pull out the SunFlower Seeds and give them to the Wild Birds. Same with peanuts.

The offering of the seed+ items should be no greater than 50 /50 at most.

Thanks !

Is this a good brand?


As a general statement, yes. However, if you can find a Pellet that does not have coloring (the colors are for the Humans, the Parrots don't care) that would be a better choice. Also, look for low or no sugar or salt. Normally, I would get really picky on the Pellets, but your supply is far more limited than mine. Go with the best you can find!

NOTE: Always freeze Dry Food! I keep a small amount out for say a couple of days and leave the rest in the freezer. This keeps the bugs to a minimum!

Regarding mix rate of the Pellet /Seed+ mixes. Once they are fully on Pellets add in a percentage of the Seed+ mixture. Adding a little more over time, but never greater than 50/50.

Just to add confusion; Dry food should not be greater than 50% of the total mix of fresh foods and dry food. The dry food should act as a support for the main feeding of fresh foods.
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  • #30
Thanks for your insight and advice I used it and purchased the following today. Pretty much the best quality I can get locally without importing.
I don't normally frequent in here but just to say they are beautiful, you are blessed to have such beauties in your life. Oh and welcome!
Thank you for the update of your amazons! Love the pics! Especially that 1st one. The curiosity in those eyes just jumps out at you.

Also, being of West Indian descent myself (by way of Jamaica), it's nice to welcome a fellow member from the West Indies!
Love the update! The colours are so bright and beautiful:)
Those look like young Festive Amazons to me to... you don't see those here in the states very often. They didn't import many.
WOW! Your 1st post and pictures was on 6/24 and these last pictures 9/23...Three months and what an amazing difference! They have grown and filled in so beautifully!

I think you are doing a fantastic job with these two adorable amazons!
What are their personalities like?

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  • #39
WOW! Your 1st post and pictures was on 6/24 and these last pictures 9/23...Three months and what an amazing difference! They have grown and filled in so beautifully!

I think you are doing a fantastic job with these two adorable amazons!
What are their personalities like?


Hey sorry for the late reply I didn't have notifications for new posts and I just haven't been around. Thanks again for the kind compliments.

Well Rio, the smaller one, is really active. My nickname for him is tiger because he's always jumping around and ready to play. Tends to be 'rough' at times but he's really nice. Bella on the other hand is a sweetheart but is grumpy mostly when she just wakes up or is tired and wants to sleep. She also gets jealous really quick, well both of them do when I'm playing with one or the other.

I will try to do a picture update soon, I hope everyone's thanksgiving was good, take care.
It is really great to hear from you and the update on your Amazons!

Your Festive Amazons are a joy to see since they are so rare in North America!

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