Anybody A Doctor Who Fan Here?


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Hamilton, Victoria, Australia
See siggie :)
Hey guys, been writing again, and lately I've been slightly obsessed with the British Tv show, 'Doctor Who'. This series just ended, so I just wrote a bit of another made-up episode.

I was sitting hunched over on a street curb, cold and unsuitably dressed in rags. Tall street lights formed periodic splashes of sickly yellow colour over the cobblestones in the near pitch-black darkness. A few stragglers hurried past – haggard and worn looking – oblivious to anything but the relevant. I would've been exactly like any other homeless and lonely child, had I not been reading. This particular newspaper I happened to be scanning – as far as I was concerned, anyway – was fairly dull and contained nothing I wanted to hear, bar the date: 29.04.1775.
Sighing, I closed and folded the item. I'd go find a nice comfortable doorstep to doze on, then decide which option was more achievable in the refreshing light of day.
Suddenly, I heard a sickeningly familiar sound that jolted me abruptly out of my relaxed stance. Reluctantly, I swivelled my gaze to come across an unsightly, monstrous figure, standing under the faded glow of a street light.
The Silence are here.
I stood up, angry, fists clenched.
“Why can't you just leave me ALONE!?” I shouted, “I have a right to my own LIFE!”
The Silent said nothing, did nothing except to emit an unnerving, rattling sound. Keeping my gaze fixated firmly on the monster, I reached inside a pocket and brought out a pen. I scrawled in jerky, hesitant scripture across my newspaper – still looking at the creature.
“I see you. I. See. You!” I told the bulbous figure, finally looking at what I'd written.
I turned and fled.
Down the alleyways I ran, my breaths exuding in great, rattling sobs, my legs pumping as hard as they would. As a sudden motion... I halted. There in front of me, stretched in a row across my path, were three Silents. I whirled around, only to face more.
“NO!” I screamed in rage and defiance. They were advancing from each end of the street.
No way out.
I searched desperately for an escape – for my freedom – but to no avail.
Just as I was about to lose all hope, an object in the corner of my eye caught my attention. Something was fading into view.
A police telephone box.
“HA! Thought you had me there, didn't ya! Ouch, that has got to hurt!” I laughed at the aliens. “See, you're scared now! Now, I'm confident and you are scared as hell. Well, been lovely meeting you, but – well, you how it is. Time flies when you're having fun! Give Madame Kovarian my best wishes! Toodles!” And, with that last scandalising last remark, I hurled myself towards the great blue object. I dodged the lightning-fast energy beams – shot by The Silence in rage and vengeance – with meticulous difficulty and by some miracle. I flung open the police box's door, then, thinking carefully, blew them a degrading kiss.
With an over-whelming sense of relief, I slammed the door shut and sank to the floor – back against it.
I sat there for approximately thirty seconds, eyes closed, before I heard foot-steps.
“Who are you and what were you running from?” Came the voice of a young man. I slowly opened my eyes. He was tall, with erratic, dark hair and was wearing a bow-tie and a tweed jacket.
“I can't remember. Does that ring any bells?” I stood up. “And I'll thank you not to point that sonic screwdriver at me. I dislike people scanning me.”
I saw his eyes widen for a fraction of a second with disbelief. Then he promptly tucked away his device.
“State species and planet of origin.”
“We're on Earth, aren't we?” I asked, then said, “Look... all you need to know right now is what this newspaper says.” I stepped forward and handed him the paper. He scanned my writing, then the date.
“The Silence are after you? Why? How?” Then he spun around to the console, and began flicking switches.
“Look, Doctor,” I told him, walking over, “ You just need to set the shield to level A176 and turn the invisibility on. That should stop any Silence technology.” I flicked a switch.
“You know who I am. And you know my TARDIS. Who are you?”
“Sure I know who you are... Defender of Earth, Oncoming Storm, The Last Of A Dying Race... But Not Quite. You, are The Doctor. A Time Lord. An alien to this planet.”
He just stood there looking flabbergasted.
“Okay... Tell you what. I'll go change into something more modern, while you think of all the questions you'd like to ask me,” I told him. Then I promptly disappeared up a staircase.

Ten minutes later I reappeared, attired in jeans, boots and a simple black T-shirt. The Doctor was leaning back, into a comfortable-looking chair, limbs in disorganised, relaxed positions. A strange looking sort of red hat was perched on his mop of hair.
“You call that something modern? You just came from the 18th century!”
“Did those words just come from the mouth of a guy wearing a bow-tie, a tweed jacket, braces and... oh, what's that thing on your head? I must be dreaming!”
“Oi! Bow-ties are very popular in 25th century Earth. Everybody wears them. Everybody will wear them anyway. Bow-ties are cool.”
“I know. I've been there. What is that ridiculous thing on your head?!”
“It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fez’s are cool!”
“You mean... fez's are cool... just like the bow-tie?”
“Exactly!” he then paused, “Now... questions...”
“Ah, yes. This is going to get slightly complicated,” I leant back against the TARDIS console, “Shoot away.”
“Okay then... you don't seem at all shocked that my box is bigger on the inside...?”
“Why would I be? Type 40 TARDIS'S are trans-dimensional. Simple.”
“Trans.... trans-dimensional?”
“Yeah, another dimension portal with the ability to manipulate all of time and space. With a TARDIS matrix inside. Time and Relative Dimensions In Space.”
“Who are you? What is your name.? You tell me who you are right now!”
“Ah... come on, Doctor. You've been searching for me for 200 years at least now... how old are you?”
“I'm 1,103! But you... that means... that means you are-”
“Yep, I'm getting there. You know who I am. I am a mix, a mutt, a half-breed, hybrid, belonging to no one race, no one planet. Fitting in nowhere. A weirdo, a stranger, a prisoner, a weapon. The daughter of your two best friends stolen to bring you down. You're murderer. My name....? Melody Pond.”
“Melody. MELODY! MELODY POND! I've found you! I've actually found you! Oh, this is just BRILLIANT! Wait til your mother hears about this!” He seemed ecstatic with joy and excitement, but the feeling wasn't mutual.
“Didn't you hear what I said?” I asked quietly. “I murdered you. We must run on different time-lines, that's the only explanation I can think of. You are from my future... and I am from your past.”
“Oh, yes, I know all that,” he told me, rather flippantly. “The real questions is how you know all this information! Madame Kovarian wouldn't have, and neither would The Silence... would they?”
“Of course they wouldn't! Fine, I'll tell you! I don't understand it myself, really. You tell me, Doctor, how can your TARDIS be in here?” I tapped my forehead with an index finger.
“What?” He made a jerky motion in order, I assumed, to whack out his sonic screwdriver and scan me, but stopped. Instead, he stepped forward, straightened his bow-tie, and poked my head with a hesitant finger.
“Your TARDIS... she's in there. head. She talks me. Tells me things. Tells me the truth. She's told me all about you. She's told me all about my parents and stuff. Telepathy. I understand a lot of things, but not how she can talk to me. Not telepathy. She told me... about the time she talked. She told me about the Flesh. She told me... how, if you just gave her free reign, she would find me me. But you never did, did you? Not until now. I've spent my whole life, living in fear, in suspense. The Silence. She let me remember them. She doesn't forget, so she helps me. She gives me her memories. I told you the truth, when I said I didn't remember what I was running from. She did, for me.”
“My TARDIS! My TARDIS! Inside your head?! That's not even remotely possible, let alone probable! May I?”
“Scan me? Sure, go ahead.”
He pulled out his device with an exuberant flourish and waved it about. Then, clicking it back into place with an excited grin, he spoke.
“There is definitely a telepathic connection there. And it is most certainly extremely very strong. What's she saying now?” I frowned in slight concentration, then returned the beam.
“We've gotta save your skin from me now. And then we've got stuff to do!”
“Save me?! What about Amy – Rory?”
“I'm thirteen. A year or so hardly seems too drastically important,” I proceeded to pause. “Only... Amy and Rory are coming with us to rescue your sorry hide.”
“Why? Why rescue me? Maybe I wanted to die. Maybe I was sick of running. Maybe I wanted it all to end.”
“Then you were selfish. I didn't want to kill you. I tried to kill myself that day, you know that? They made me do it. Think, Doctor, of how many people will die, whom you could have easily saved, but you were sick of running. Think of the planets, the stars, the people, the aliens... all of whom could have been saved.”
“Too many people, brave people, have died in my name, for my cause. Just think!”
“Okay, we'll have a vote. Let's go get Amy and Rory.”
“No! Absolutely not, Melody Pond! I'm going to drop you off and you can start fresh, on EARTH, with your FAMILY.”
“Yeah right, dream on.” I started flicking switches and twisting dials on the console.
Set the time vortex manipulator to level A16, then you're fine.
Got it.
“Hey, watch it! What do you think you're doing with my TARDIS?!”
“I'm driving, sweetie.”

Strongly recommend watching it. Be warned, if you haven't watched recently you won't get it. :D


New member
Jan 13, 2011
i lurve doctor who!!

i am currently watching torchwood series :) its on tonight if i have my times right, thats a doc who spin off, or the sarah jane advetures ment for kids lol

an nice piece of writting!
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