Anyone here have/has had a crimson belly?


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Maine, USA
Sprite the cinnamon green cheek conure.
I found this awesome breeder but the only GCC she has are a young pair that wont be producing babies any time soon. She does have a crimson belly proven pair, though. Anyone know anything about these birds? Are they the same as GCC, with just different colors? Thanks! :)


New member
Jun 27, 2011
Chika, my green cheek conure. She is my first bird.
I am also looking into Crimson Bellies and Pearly Conures. Crimson bellies are obviously very beautiful and they are a quieter species of conure. I have heard that some are very friendly and some are look-no-touch. I haven't seen much of how they differ personality-wise. Crimson Bellies are like Suns and Jendays in the way that their colors change as they grow up. As fully-feathered babies they do not have a red breast. I have a green cheek conure, and she is wonderful. I will not lie, she can be grumpy sometimes, but it very smart and fun. She's 9 months old and knows 5 tricks and 3 words. I have never tried to teach her to talk. She just picks it up. And I don't train her new tricks often but she picks them up pretty fast. She is chatty and if I whisper to her she'll chirp with me. And she loves kitchen noises. She is in the living room, which is connected to the kitchen. Every time you empty/load the dishwasher, use the blender or coffee maker, etc she chirps! It's adorable.


New member
Jul 1, 2011
Meiko, 9-year old Moustache
I was actually on a breeder's page the other day who bred Crimson Bellied. Now, take this as a grain of salt because its what I read on there and NOT from my personal experience, but they said they're supposed to be "quiet"er, sweet, comical birds. They are larger than a GCC by a bit. I'll see if I can try to find the site.


New member
Aug 24, 2011
on a farm in south vic Austrailia...
The very proud owner of a new baby sun conour !
I would like to add that when l first spoke to a conure breeder he said l should consider the crimson belly as they are always looking to come out of their cage to play( Quote ) * he said they are always the first to come to people !
Hopes this helps .


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Eclectus-Willy, Alexandrine-Oliver, Two Barrabands -Joey and Peewee, Plumhead-Peanut, Senegal-Mookie, Australian King-Bella, Peachfront conure-Peachygirl, Crimson belly conure-Pepper, Parrotlette
I have a crimson belly conure. I think it's a male. He is feisty, he will take on any other bird I have including my Alex's. Loves to sit on me and preen my neck and loves to be out of his cage. He has his times that he can get noisy, but usually only when the other birds are flock calling. I would say he is as loud as a greencheek. I guess it depends what your level of "loud" is. He is a great bird:)

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