B&G Macaw health questions, newbie to forum


New member
Mar 3, 2015
Blue & Gold Macaw named Kiwi
So I rescued a Blue and Gold Macaw almost 6 months ago…owner said it was female, as he was told by breeder, approximately 5-6 years old, but no documentation on either. She’s been great so far, talks, has original big cage, toys, I let her out more than in, and often let her sleep on another perch in my bedroom. Also, I have no other pets. In the last 2 days she’s developed some redness around one nare and has been sneezing. No discharge, eating and sleeping well, poop seems to look normal.

Thermostat has been at about 64-65 her cage is near a vent, which I thought would be good, (now not sure) have a small infrared heater nearby to supplement. I’m thinking of getting an air purifier which seems popular…and perhaps mist her with warm saline water? Breathing seems normal, not congested or strained. She’s on a seed/nut diet and I’d like to get her on a more fresh fruit veggie mix. I’ve read macaws can have allergies to dust, dry air etc. just like humans so I’m not sure how concerned I should be at this point and if I’m “overparenting” (it’s winter in Virginia, so dry air is prevalent) Glad I found this forum and just looking for some tips from other B&G owners…


New member
Jul 20, 2012
Welcome to the forum. :)

How often does she get a bath? Increasing the humidity may help with the sneezing a bit, however, I'd be slightly concerned with the color of her one nostril.

Could you post some photos perhaps?

Please remember that birds are excellent at hiding any ailments/illnesses until it is often too late, so perhaps a checkup with an Avian Vet may not be a bad idea.


New member
Mar 3, 2015
Blue & Gold Macaw named Kiwi
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Thanks Wendy, Here are 2 pics..one from yesterday (leaning) and one from just a minute ago (perched)...the redness looks better today than yesterday. I'm aware they can hide ailments as well...and agree a checkup would be wise. (working on that) Bathing is something we are working on. I tried a large tupperware pan on the floor, she will not get in it, only drink. I've used a sprayer which she seems to tolerate but not happy with. She bolts to the top of her cage when she sees it. I can spray her on her perch and she'll flap her wings and seems not to enjoy. I have not attempted taking her into the shower, it's very tiny. Do you use a humidifier?


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New member
Jul 20, 2012
Thank you so much for the photos, they come in super handy right here. IMO the redness was caused by either her own nail when scratching that area, or she could have also gotten the area irritated by a toy when playing rough, or not being careful enough. :) My Niko (also a B&G) occasionally bangs himself up in the face when he gets too rough with his toys. And yes, it certainly looks better today compared to yesterday!

Even though your shower is small, I'd try and take her into the shower with you. Just put on some 'light' clothes to protect delicate areas. :54:

Or you could build a shower perch and mist her while she's in the shower. She may not be overly fond of it, but regular baths will do her good, I promise. http://www.parrotforums.com/do-yourself/27017-diy-shower-perch-very-easy.html

No, I do not use a humidifier or an air filter in our home.


New member
Jan 9, 2013
My macaw has slightly red nostrils but he puts out a little sneeze a few times a day. Should I be concerned. I was planning on taking him to the vet for a check up soon as I just got him. Might be able to just put the harness on him to take him as harness training is going well.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
My macaw has slightly red nostrils but he puts out a little sneeze a few times a day. Should I be concerned. I was planning on taking him to the vet for a check up soon as I just got him. Might be able to just put the harness on him to take him as harness training is going well.

Shayne, do you have photos? "Slightly" red nostrils? Could he be blushing? My Niko 'blushes' when he gets excited, and not only do his nostrils turn pink, but the surrounding skin area gets a pinkish hue as well.

All my fids sneeze every once in a while, but as long as there is no discharge, I'm not concerned.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
Shayne, I just took the liberty and copied your photo from your thread.


He looks perfectly fine in this photo. :) If both nostrils are turning pink at the same time, he may just be 'blushing' from excitement.


New member
Jan 9, 2013
I don't think its blushing as it's not his whole face but it is only very slight. If i use the flash it doesn't show but I cant get a decent picture without the flash as he just wants to eat my camera.
I'm probably being paranoid, mainly as I just can't understand why the last owners sold him after only having him for a few months considering how wonderful he is.


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Mar 3, 2015
Blue & Gold Macaw named Kiwi
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photos don't seem to be visable..I'm going to give the shower a try anyway, thanks for the tips!

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