Bad Birdie Day


New member
Mar 28, 2012
King George, VA
"Sparky" the Blue and gold macaw, "Jax" Red fronted macaw, and "Little Bird" peach faced lovebird
So I am going through a really tough time this past couple of weeks. I ended my engagement which obviously is life altering. On top of that I am physically not doing well with my chronic illness probably because of all the stress. To top it off I am frustrated with my rescues as I was a bit overwhelmed with 5 new animals in 1 week, all unplanned.

I began to cry today when I actually found myself beginning to yell at poor Sparky for her just being her. I was doing some training with her new harness and she got scared and bit me, enough to draw some blood but not seriously, I stopped and took a deep breath, and ended on a good note. I went to put her on her stand and turned around to get it. The second I turned away she proceeded to take several chunks out of my couch's arm. I felt myself lose it and began to yell! I feel so guilty, I know that it isn't her fault and that I probably should have held off on working with her since I'm so stressed, now I feel awful. I need a BREAK!! :blue1:
Im sorry you are having such a tough time. It is so wonderful of you to help these babies, Maybe you should get out for a while or soak in a tub with the lights off, no critters allowed. You should take a lil time for you, Anyone around to give you a hand??? Good luck and try relax and take a breather for you.;)
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Thanks, I am trying to simplify a few things so I can step back for a bit and concentrate on my own pets and health. I am glad I have this forum to vent to a bit. It helps to have people who understand.
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Sorry to hear you are having such a tough time at the moment:( Dont feel guilty... I am sure we have all done it at some point!

I think you need to get away for a few days and have a bit of "Me Time" If you were able to do this ,maybe you could get someone to come in and look after your flock for a few days? We all need a break now and then :)
Sorry you are going through a tough time. I agree , you need to take a break! If I lived close, I would love to help you out. When you are especially stressed, just let the critters be...not good for any of you when you blow.
Hang in there. Sounds like things have all land at your door right now. Trouble with pets they pick up on the way we feel and act out. Hope you can get some me time in. And relax.
I totally agree with Wenz, don't feel bad and guilty we all have days when we lose it...
what you do with the rescues is an amazing thing.. and you should consider taking a small break for yourself once in a while, because you deserve it big time!
Good luck :) Things will get better
Stress can really compromise our overall health in many forms. Lavender oil may help you a bit and also rescue remedy.
Is there anyone who can help you out for a bit?

Sometimes, my job places large amount of stress on me, and I'm never good at "relaxing" at home, so we take a trip up to Cairns and Kuranda where I can enjoy the rainforests and birds. :)

You'll need to step back and ensure you are looking after yourself. Stress can really get to you, and it can make you even more sick. (I speak from experience and having a history of stress-induced sickness) If there is someone around who you trust, maybe they can give you a day, or a few days break from home. Maybe even a playdate?

Everyone is here for you. :)

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