Beat Box Grey


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
Just found this and thought it was real cute.

[ame=""] [/ame]
I love that site!!!

That is another great little clip!!!
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Heres another Video for ya all to take a look at.
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Sorry Sarah, its the one in post one, but I'll do it here as well.

[ame=""] [/ame]

Think I did forget to put it in the last post. Must be the age. :D
I sooo want to know what that grey is saying! Darn computer with no sound, im yealous of you guys now! Sour!:31:

PS: looks cute though!
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I know how frustrating that can be, I lost sound to my putor a little while ago. Not fun.

The parrot is making a beating sound, along with some music in the background. Its really great and so hard to try to describle it. Its definately one to listen to when you have sound.
beatbox is when you make music and drum kind of sounds with your hands and mouth. Gee what a great description noooooot.:eek:
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Hi there Bill, see we need ya here to help explain everything for us. :D :D
I would not call that an explanation Peta.It was more of a mess of words that sort of formed a What a cool parrot though. I always love to see birds that are given the right love and training. :) :)

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