Big step up for Dominic!


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2013
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Dominic: Galah(RIP: 1981-2018); The Lovies: Four Blue Masked Lovebirds; Barney and Madge (The Beaks): Alexandrines; Miss Rosetta Stone: Little Corella
Today, Dominic stepped up onto my hand and sat with me for over ten minutes!!!!

After that, he bit me and drew blood, but we had a good ten minutes of bonding and I'm *so* pleased! After the bite, I put Dom on his cage. The Beaks were out at the time and Barney swooped him, giving him a fright. Dom flew and landed on the floor. Since all the other animals (dog and cats) were locked out, I left Dommie to rummage around the floor for a while. He had the *best* time! He nibbled bits off the bottoms of the cupboard doors and fossicked around under the cages for a few cast-out bits of food. Then, he climbed up the armchair and slept for a short while on its back. Eventually, he made his way over to his custom-made ladder, climbed up and went home.

This was a Big Day for us. Dom seems to be letting go whatever nasties are in his memory and just learning to be a bird again. He's using his voice a lot more and is now a great lover of foraging and chewy toys - in fact, I can hardly keep up with his need to chomp through rolled-up paper tubes and shred.

Other good news is that Dom has shrunk from 500gms to 485gms. There's still a long way to go, but the biggest lipoma on his front is almost at the point where it no longer drags on the ground. This has meant he can be *much* more active in walking and climbing around. I can't wait till he learns to fly properly!!!

D'you know, if it hadn't been for this group, Dom would probably still be sitting alone and unattended and grumpy? Thank you all, not just for the advice and ideas, but mostly for the moral support that made me know I would be able to make a difference. :) :) :)

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