blue crown and sun conure


New member
Apr 29, 2010
I have two questions please. My blue crown has a very slender, long tip on his beak. When I got him, the owner told me to trim it. I did, about 4 times with no problem. Once, I used a different set of clippers and couldn't judge as well and it bled, which terrified me as I know how quickly they can bleed out. Then I read they are not supposed to be clipped. However, I'm afraid it's going to break off on something. Any advice?
And my sun conure - I love him / her to pieces, but it's like playing with bees!! She loves to chow on clothes and bra straps particularly - I can't get him / her redirected to stop. Besides ruining my clothes, the baby sometimes pinches - hard - with that beak. Feels like I'm being stung. Is this chewing thing a normal behavior for all sun conures?


Aug 20, 2009
I trained my grey to let me file her nails. I started out in the evening doing just one nail and gave her lots of praise. I kept this up with one nail each evening. Now I do one foot at a time. She no longer bites me. Perhaps you can do something like this. It does take a while but it is well worth it.

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