Cockatoos Vs Other Parrots In One Picture


New member
Jan 5, 2015
Calgary, Alberta
"Albert" - Female Red Bellied Parrot - 1y3m (Oct 8th, 2014), "Martha" - Unknown Yellow-Sided GCC - 11m (Feb 13th 2015)
Saw this on a different forum and couldn't stop laughing. A picture (or in this case, a GIF) is worth a thousand words.

ROFL, the Zon and the Mac look like they are ready to call the authorities! Cockatoo madness at it's finest. Thanks for sharing.
"Okay, what did you put in that guy's water?!" :D
So perfect!
Yep. The video makes me laugh so hard. Rosa is not quite so flamboyant but I realize she's 'speshul' when t comes to 'Too behaviour :)
OMG that is hilarious and really quite accurate.
I want to steal this for my Facebook page to help my friends understand my situation. How do I copy it so it saves as a gif and not just a still photo?
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I want to steal this for my Facebook page to help my friends understand my situation. How do I copy it so it saves as a gif and not just a still photo?

You don't need to copy, just link to the file on imgur by pasting this link into your post:
OMG This is perfect!
Love it! The casual glance of the Zon and Mac toward the Too is priceless, as if to say.... he's off his Ritalin again!!
Love this! There's always one in every crowd:)
I had to share this with my friend who has 4 toos:p so funny
Reminds me of a concert with many head Listen to much head banging music?
LMBO!!! I love it when they rock out like this [emoji23]

And the looks from the other birds are priceless lol
I LOVE it!! I saw this a week ago before bringing my cockatoo, Kili, home and didn't really get it. Now I do! They're a riot. Kili does this show off dance every night for about an hour before bed time.
I was at a pet store the other day, and I saw the most sweetest cockatoo on a stand jump on my arm. SO ADORABLE! It started nodding and I followed along, but out of nowhere, it started "singing" and head banging. NO music, NO anything, just me nodding my head.

And dat noise! :O I felt like it was doing it to me on purpose..."Listen you evil human!"

Which makes me wonder, when your 'toos dance, do any of them sing? The one I met that day certainly did, and I was left with my hair being perfectly swept back. LOL

Oh, and I love the priceless look on the Amazon and macaw. :p
OMG! I've witnessed Jonesy do crazy things..but that takes the cake! LMAO


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