Conure with strange beak injury


New member
Dec 24, 2020
Sagan (3, CAG), Zola (1, YS GCC), Brando (5, pineapple GCC)
***Let me preface, this is not an emergency. The injury is incredibly superficial, clotted almost immediately, and parrot is running around acting like nothing happened.***

Rescued this parrot a few weeks ago. This GCC was surrendered twice in 5 years. The last owner took care of him well and apparently was constantly fighting with a Senegal in their flock so they surrendered him. When I adopted him he had a tiny line red and white in his beak, I figured it was a scar from fighting with another parrot.

Heā€™s 5. Very talkative and rowdy. Likes getting into trouble. Antagonizes my Grey (they are never out in the same room together unsupervised) and has bonded with my other GCC.

Anyway, I stumbled upon the injury (pictured below) today. Iā€™m wondering what the hell may have caused it. At the moment Iā€™m thinking his beak got caught in the bars, but he did have that line in the exact same spot. Heā€™s alone with my other GCC unsupervised, could they hurt each other this badly? My Grey has not been around him alone.

Just trying to troubleshoot the problem so that I can prevent it from happening again. Let me know what you think.



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Gorgeous bird! Is the injury confined to left side of beak, anything of note on opposite? That'd help determine whether it was inflicted by another bird's beak vs solo injury of some sort.
Ouch!!! Poor birdie. Senegals have extremely strong beaks, I would know. Their bite is no joke.

Hopefuly your new buddy will heal soon! This kind of scares me because we will inherit a lovely sennie, I am just scared she hurts my Pascal once she comes... *Shudders*
If he had a tiny line in his beak then most likely it was a weak point. Even without markings on the other side a weak point can break further if birds are squabbling. Iā€™d keep him removed from other birds until it grows out to keep from breaking even more.

Any bleeding means thereā€™s an open wound, keep his cage and bowls and perches extra clean. Iā€™d also use some kind of antimicrobial spray like vetericyn antimicrobial hydrogel which is safe to use around their mouth. They use their beaks for everything so it gets infected pretty easily.

Also, make sure heā€™s eating. If it hurts too much for regular food you might need to get baby bird food or make soft bird bread that crumbles up & easy to eat. You might also need a vet to groom his beak if it grows a bit weird not being in full use or to glue the break to keep from spreading more. Iā€™d keep him away from wood or hard pellets honestly.
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I had a budgie that broke his beak...TWICE. I don't know how he broke it, but it healed pretty quickly. If it doesn't heal soon, I'd honestly recommend taking him to the vet. I hope he feels better! :60:
Appears to be a crush style break. What caused it is an open question. The blood is from the root of the beak as the area is so close to the root and will have a blood supply very near. The area also contains a fair number of nerve endings. As a result, there is likely some pain.

As stated above, softer food and toys for several weeks is a good idea.

NOTE: The glue referenced above is 'dentist' grade and never something that an owner should ever use!! Assure that you have Avian Medical Care available! And, be ready to quick be at your Avian Medical Professional if additional bleeding or further cracking occurs!!
I can see bruises. This is a bite most likely. If it opened up from an old bute could indicate infection. Watch weight. I'd probably get checked by vet.

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