Does cage height matter?


New member
Dec 24, 2010
We just got a sweet green cheeked conure from Petsmart, and also have a dog. Unless if the two of us are at home, we have to leave the cage above our bookshelf, which is way above eye level. The lady from Petsmart said that we should not put the cage above eye level. Is this true? I hear from some it's a myth, and some that it's true. This is for the safety for the conure. What do you think?


New member
Mar 21, 2010
Baltimore, MD
Sammy-Umbrella Too-rescued,
Dexter-CAG-rehomed handicapped,
Sterling-CAG-rehomed retired breeder.
Sunshine-12 yo CAG-adopted
Not true! Some believe that that if the bird is above eye level it will become dominant over you. As long as you raise your bird properly, teach it well, socialize it and give it lots of love, you will be fine.


New member
Oct 6, 2010
Central California
Green-cheek Conure "Mishka" - Sun conure "Calypso"
Birds feel safety up high, and when you try to take away that safety they may feel threatened and nip. A well socialized bird that has a good relationship with you shouldn't have a problem with stepping up from high places unless it feels unsure of something. Of course, birds also have personalities and may simply not want to get down off their new favorite place, but that would be the case no matter where their favorite place was. :) My little green-cheek LOVES her boing and getting her off it, no matter where she's at on it, is next to impossible if she's not ready to leave.

Basically, if your bird is new let it have the safe feeling of being higher, or at least as high as you. I made an effort, while taming my green cheek, to be lower than it to put her at ease and she's now my little cuddler. Of course, doing the same thing to my sun made her think she was empress (she probably thought that anyway lol), so YMMV. :)


New member
Jun 14, 2010
Calgary, Ab, Canada
Chia!!!! Cinnamon GCC
As others have said Height=Safety. My GCC Chia has a 2ft cage and on top of that is her travel cage. The height of one on top of the other is way above eye level and I never have a problem. She loves being up there and gets a great view of everything happening around the house :)

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