Experiences on rehomed birds?Will a rehomed tame conure attach easily to a new owner?


New member
Aug 1, 2013

I recently fell in love with a conure and I have been searching for one ever since! I bought a cockatiel from a breeder who had his birds parent raised; unfortunately I didn't research enough then and thought it would be easy to train him. He comes out to play, but isnt' as cuddly and playful as we thought. So my question is, if I buy a conure that someone has had for about a year or two and tamed them, will they act the same around a new owner?

I hope this doesn't sound like a stupid question, because the conure I am interested is described as cuddly, cute, wants to snuggle and sit on your shoulder all day and what I'm afraid of is if I get him, he won't act like that around me after getting comfortable in his new home.

Does anybody have experiences with conures they bought from another owner who trained them already?

My guess is once he gets situated he will have the same personality like he did with his first owner but don't take my word for it.
Mine did, and I got her a few days shy of her fourth b-day. I had actually put a deposit down for a sun baby, and in going to visit the baby I would interact with her (Nika) more than the baby....the baby was cute, but he didn't have the personality that she, an older bird had. So I adopted her instead, it was a little bumpy in the beginning, but we are thick as thieves now. Very tightly bonded, the bond I have with this bird far exceeds the bond I've ever had with any bird. Just remember he'll still have to go thru an adjustment, he might get a little freaked out, but once he settles into a routine with you he should be fine.
Yeah, I think he will likely just need time to bond with you.. and honestly, be happy he's a bit more independent.. Once you read the stories here about the ones that aren't you will be happy..

now I FOUND my bird a month ago, and he's an odd duck, he likes everyone, but he will only talk to me, never in public that is "our" thing.. No one else can make him do that so I know Im special.. But he will snuggle everyone and everything.. This is not that common though, most of them will snuggle the owners and be polite to everyone else form what I've seen.. I think mine is just a hormonal birdy..
(cheater) lol

but my guess would be after a couple of months with patience and love that he will be bonded.. :)
It will take some time to establish the bond.

Like everyone else said, spend time with it, treats, bribes, etc.

The bird will come around. With my first Conure, I would hold a piece of apple and he would DESTROY it, making "happy noises" as he ripped off chunks. Same thing with sunflower seeds as treats, holding them in my lips and making him come close to me to get it.
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Thank you all for the answers! I really want a conure that will be silly and cuddly with me and I love the little silly antics they can have! Im having a hard time deciding if I should adopt one that is being rehomed with a big personality or just get a little hand fed baby. Do you think if I have the rehomed one for awhile, my bond with it can be just as tight as one that wouldve been with me since a young age?
I have taken in many conures over the past few years... I have found that every bird is an individual. Majority of the time they do turn around and bond... it is definitely important that you spend time feeding, giving treats and just talking sweetly and nicely to the bird. Even if it doesn't bond... they are still amazing birds and real comedians.. I have recently rehomed all of my conures except for 1 sun... and i miss them all like crazy, even the ones that didnt like me too much :p
Meet the bird before you decide to buy it. If things seem friendly, go from there. But, like all have said, there is an adjustment period.
In our experience with re homed, yes they will bond with a new owner.
That being said the bird will have to get to know you and like you, they chose who they want. Best thing is to meet the bird and spend time, if he chooses you then he will be like he was with his old owner.
Well I'm not sure about conures specifically but my adopted eclectus became attached to me very quickly, within the first two days of having her. When I adopted LuLu I was told that she was the "typical" female eclectus and really preferred to be alone and wasn't too outgoing. Now she's def my most cuddly bird. She is super attached to me (although now it's starting to become a problem because she is growing into a one person bird)

And on the other hand, I adopted a budgie that was said to be really playful, cuddly, tame. When we picked him up he was so scared and it took him about a month to realize that I wasn't going to hurt him and now he's cool although he never became cuddly, just tolerant of being touched.

So I guess it depends on the bird itself if they attach to you quickly or not

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