First shower!


New member
Apr 28, 2013
Alice - Galah cockatoo
Awful photos, but I have to share these. When I first brought her home I tried to get her into being sprayed with a water spray but every time I tried she was utterly terrified by it, and the vet suggested she might have had a bad experience with someone using a water spray as punishment so not to push it whilst she was settling in. But we've been having unseasonably hot weather in the UK (and in Manchester, summer generally just means the clouds are slightly less grey than normal so blazing sunshine highly out of character), and she's much more confident now than even a fortnight ago so I though I'd try it again.

And, she loved it! Admittedly, first squirt I hit the cat by accident, which means pet no 1 is no longer talking to me. But once I was aiming in the right direction she immediately fluffed her feathers, beat her wings frantically and let loose some properly gleeful shrieks - classic galah behavior and I've only seen it in youube clips before now so hugely pleasurable to see it from her.

She's obviously having a difficult molt (see my other post) so hoping this newfound pleasure will have a practical benefit as well.



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