GCC biting


New member
Nov 27, 2015
Kansas City
Green Cheek Conure
Senegal Parrot
Two Parakeets.
Hello, I've had my GCC for over a year now. She was under a year old when I got her. She and I bonded very quickly. She's been very sweet and cuddly up until now. Every time I bring her out of the cage she's been biting me, and hard! Even when she's away from her cage she's biting me. I've just been ignoring it. Another thing I want to mention is she becomes very aggressive when I am giving her food. Is there a way I can encourage her to stop biting? Thanks for any information!


New member
Nov 15, 2015
Our GCC did this for a while too. They go through a "biting stage" when they're young. They can also be territorial with food. I think they can become over stimulated too when we get excited to see them :) For example, when you let her out of her cage, I would just open her door and walk away (vs grabbing her, perching her, talking to her, or whatever you might do). I found this helped with our GCC if I would open her door and either 1) walk away and say nothing and let her come out on her own, or 2) offer her my finger/arm to perch onto but not say anything when she perched (which is hard to not get excited to cuddle with them!). If she's biting you away from her cage, I would try not allowing her to perch on your head if she does, and maybe even not allowing her to perch on your shoulder for a while (this can be a dominance thing).

Also, GCC's are power packed little bundles of hot and cold LOL! One minute they love and snuggle with you, then next they're moody and grumpy! So I think you're doing great with ignoring the biting - I would also recommend if she bites that you set her away from you so she associates being separated from you with the bite. Good luck to you!

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