

Aug 25, 2013
Lovebirds: Gabby, Dino, and Belle Nips
Quaker Parrots: Mozzi and Sydney
I'm going to drop off the face of the Earth. Social life has officially died. My birds are coming with me. I'll love happily ever after with no backstabbers, or double crossers.
(not going to do anything drastic)
I'm in major need of help and positive outlook here.

-sincerely the girl lying in bed.
P S where is all the frosting?
Who needs friends... Honestly :S

I HATE socialising, i have no social life ;)

I really hate being with people, i dont find it fun or interesting.. The last time i saw my best friend was over a year ago.. and my other best friend at the beginning of the year..

And haven't seen a single other friend since 2010 ;)

Gosh i get asked to go to parties and go out on dates, i even had one guy say he would pay 200 dollars if i would just leave the house HAHAHA

I leave the house maybe once a month, more so recently cause of horses, but the only time i go anywhere is for my animals! :p

You have your birds, just watch a movie!!!

Honestly, dont worry about people, I spend all my days watching shows and movies, and playing with my animals... I am so comfortable being alone, i love it..

No i am not a weird socially awkward person.. Everyone loves me :p But i just enjoy being alone rather than with friends..
My animals are my whole life, and every single one of my friends know that my animals will come before any single person in the world.. :p

Get some chocolate, find your favourite tv show and enjoy being with yourself..

I like the quote thats like - If you cant enjoy being alone with yourself, why would anyone else want to be with you


This might be weird but i dont actually understand why people need to be with other people all the time? haha Geez i even have days where i dont reply to anyone on facebook, all my friends know to not keep messaging me if i haven't replied, cause i just dont want to talk to anyone :p
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I'm kinda like tab, but its more I don't have any friends and I hate everyone. XD my school sucks.
What I hate, more then anything, is how hypocritical people are. My friend will go around and just say 'Youre stupid... LOL'. Yet I actually fight back when provoked, so I'm labeled as mean and everyone likes her. Ok??
I'm actually in a fight with her right now, which if you PM me I can tell you but... Can't be mentioned publicly. (she's my only friend). Kinda refreshing. Which is kinda sad. I feel better without her. Probably shouldn't be friends. Haha. She's just so rude and annoying, :s
My only actual friend I haven't seen since 2010 since she moved. But I talk to her occosianly on FB.
I've always been more of an animal person then anything, I like how animals are so simple, easy to please.
Being alone isn't a bad thing(especially when you have birds). I'm a introvert and I LOVE it, I'm not shy or phobic of social situations, I just love to be alone. Being alone is peaceful, and I enjoy it. The more often I go to social events the more alone time I want. I only have one friend I consistently(BFF's since 6th grade) hang out with, and she's also a introvert, don't see each other for 2-3 weeks? no problem lol

Instead of thinking of all the bad things, think of everything good. Do you have Netflix? Get sucked into some show and have a epic marathon, or read a awesome book, have a dance party with your birds(dance like a idiot, it makes things more exciting). Play songs like "eye of the tiger" and "Don't stop believing". Join tumblr, and just reblog and post things that your interested about without worrying that someone is going to judge you.

I want you to stop whatever your doing, and think of how AWESOME you are, and not about what anyone else thinks. You don't need to think of anything specific, just tell yourself how awesome you are then bask in the greatness of your illuminating light. You are awesome because you're YOU.


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I wonder how many bird lovers actually fit this profile? I'm a homebody myself, and would rather curl up next to one of my dogs or birds than to get dressed up to go out and make small talk with someone I don't really know or care about.

We should do an impromptu poll.
My friend posted this on my facebook page after i didnt talk to him very well for a few days.. At least he understands me ;)

I had been best friends with a girl since we met when we were 7... and now we havent spoken a word since March this year ;)

I dont mind, we have nothing in common... Everyone basically grows up and is just in love with boys and goes to parties..

My best friend is actually a member on this forum, we met when we were about 14.. We are basically like twins, she does go to parties, but she has the same personality as me, and she cares about my animals and asks about them, and we have the same sense of humour.. We haven't seen each other in months, but we talk most days !
You know whats weird- probably not a great thing ;) - BUT i have more friends on here, and talk to some of you rather than everyone i went to school with or have met in real life...

Like Casey and Brodie on this forum i talk to on facebook each day, we are like 3 sisters!

Wendy and Ant are basically like my adopted mothers who i talk to every day.. Each night Wendy and I just talk about horses basically ;)

Then a few guy friends in england, new zealand.. Even a few from sweden hahahaha

But the reason i get along with them, is because we have so much in common...

We are all so similar on here, so we relate to each other alot better!
Me too! I'm another one who enjoys her own company and is usually happier with animals. I *hate* going to social gatherings and am at my best at home with my family, my animals and my sewing machine. My daughter is very much like me in that regard as well. My husband is much more social and out-going and that's fine - he out-goes while we introspect. LOL!

One thing I've learned in my lifetime is that school is a very effective destroyer of many people's self-confidence, among other things. I could write an essay about my loathing of schools and everything they stand for (well - maybe not *every*thing, but most things). I won't. I'll just say that the most important thing you'll ever learn is to be comfortable in your own skin and happy in your own company. Anything else is just icing on the cake, but self-sufficiency is a strength, not a weakness.

So, to the OP, I'd say hang out here with all the rest of us introverts and we can be anti-social together! :D :D :D

PS. Forgot to say that I make my anti-school comments as a qualified (but ex-) school teacher.
I love that picture your friend made you, Tab!!!! :D

-takes a peak at Lovely's profile....-

I know you're reading this. I hope it means something! :)
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I am reading this. I like fitting into things. Like the group of friends I have right now at college (known them since freshmen year of high school) their all in happy relationships. Others are married, and the married couples have kids, or are pregnant. I kinda want a guy who can be like me. Go bird crazy, and lie around making weird faces and comments at the TV.
So I feel like the odd ball.

but didn't help that my mom tells me she doesn't like the guy I was really into, and that I can do better. I'll just marry my birds, at this rate I won't find Mr. Right.

P S where is the frosting ? For reals.

I'm a home-body too...I hate shopping, I hate grocery shopping especially, I hate going places to be bumbled about by rude and selfish people. I live on a peaceful property, secluded just outside of town, I have what I need, and I love my life how it is. I've never been much of a social butterfly, but I've had my fair share of the public while working in a bank for 10 years. Talk about cRaZy people lol
Does any parent reallyyyyy approve of the person you date?

Isnt it the parents job to think no one is good enough for their child? :p
I am reading this. I like fitting into things. Like the group of friends I have right now at college (known them since freshmen year of high school) their all in happy relationships. Others are married, and the married couples have kids, or are pregnant. I kinda want a guy who can be like me. Go bird crazy, and lie around making weird faces and comments at the TV.
So I feel like the odd ball.

but didn't help that my mom tells me she doesn't like the guy I was really into, and that I can do better. I'll just marry my birds, at this rate I won't find Mr. Right.

P S where is the frosting ? For reals.


I feel ya about the bird guy! The person I'm with now doesn't particularly like pets. More specifically, he doesn't like untrained animals. If the animal is trained, he's ok with it - but he wont take the time to train said animal.

He realizes that my animals are part of *MY* package and he accepts that.... but he doesn't like my new bird... and she in turn doesn't like him! LOL Well, it honestly didn't help that she flew at him and bit his neck... now I'm wondering if he'll ever help me to help her to accept men in her life. I didn't even know if she had any preferences over genders, and still not entirely sure she does!

I have one ex that I am *so* pissed off at his family for! I've gotten two animals from them, one being a dog. That family f'd up that dog pretty badly to the point that he couldn't be around little kids! I was able to get him to accept adults (this dog when I first got him guarded me with his life - that's how much he didn't like others!) but wasn't able to train him to accept kids... and that was his undoing. He ended up at the pound, and then my family decided to put him down without allowing me to say goodbye to him. I lost my entire appetite for a week I was so pissed and upset!

Another ex had a dog. An australian shepherd. That dog was his best friend. His buddy. I helped to train that dog (he was easy to train! said ex had no interest in training him - just playing with him), and when that dog got lost the first time, I found the dog and brought him home. He was so happy to have his buddy home! Then he lost his dog again and after that it was like "Oh well. He's gone. He's not coming back" and didn't even bother trying to look for him.

Once, I did fall for a guy who also loved birds! Silly me though, I really didn't know him! He's now my brother in law and the father to my nephew, and sometime next year will be the father to my second nephew or niece! His choices, decisions, just him... (things I shouldn't say in public!) it infuriates me! I have literally banged my head against the wall because of him.

I do understand that part! I've always been a loner. My best friend was in kindergarten, and then she moved away. I got two new "best friends" in elementary school, but they were the kind of friends that talked behind my back about me. I then had another "best friend" in middle school and highschool. She had a twin sister. They often picked on me, left me out of things (much like my sister and one of my cousins did to me) and probably even talked behind my back about me.

I'm more likely to be found wandering around than out shopping. (speaking of shopping..... I seriously need new clothes!!! still don't want to go shopping! lol I abhor it!) I wouldn't mind finding someone who enjoyed getting out of the house to go exploring and someone who also was just as crazy about animals as I am!

Does any parent reallyyyyy approve of the person you date?

Isnt it the parents job to think no one is good enough for their child? :p

I think for the most part my mother didn't care about who I dated! Not that I had many boyfriends! LOL I'm sure there's at least one she didn't like.

That said, my mother and I can tell stories about my brother in law and the stupid things he does! I do accept that he is my brother in law, but my sister could do so much better in finding not only a better guy for herself, but a better father for her child(s). I hate how it seems as if my sister is an only parent when she's not. My mother and I agree on this, and my sister is aware of this. I do worry that once she has another child, her husband will not become a better father to his kids like she might hope. I think that she feels that if she were to have a little girl, he would be a better father. (she also wants to have two kids and that should be fulfilled in May) As much as I love my sister, I think she does stupid things, too! As I describe them, I often say that they are "Imperfectly perfect for each other!"

PS, the cake is a lie! ;)
My parents aren't that fond of my guy, my mum is, but not my dad lol. I have been with him for 9 years, we live together and have a child together haha! :p Don't worry about parents, they just want to protect us, but at the end of the day, what makes you happy, makes you happy.
I go through phases of not wanting friends and then wanting a million friends lol. I am not a social person - I have social anxiety disorder, BUT I have SO many friends and I work in Customer service lol, go figure... :|
Seriously though don't worry, you are only young yes? I am 27 and probably in the past year and a half I've come to find a close circle of friends who I spend time with on a regular basis. It's taken me a long time to find those people. And you will go through a lot of friends, because yes you'll find out a lot of them are back stabbers, liars etc. See I hate all that, I'm an upfront and honest person, I'm not into back stabbing! So I think thats why I have so many friends lol, I'm very trustworthy. But you will find a group of people that fit in with your interests and life style eventually!
And yes I have friends on here that I've met, like my TWIN from another mother and birth year Tab lmao!! :p And Brodie who needs to get her butt back online!
You will make friends in different places and at different points in your life, don't worry about fitting in. Spend some time with your animals, as their are pure and won't judge you in any way, and will enjoy your company. :)
Spend some time with your animals, as their are pure and won't judge you in any way, and will enjoy your company. :)

I am not entirely sure about that, Kitai and Klaatu give me funny looks as i sing around the stables in the evening ;)

They are probably like- Oh god, make it stop :eek:

Oh me too!....friends.... what friends??? I'd much rather be home with my animals and birds than people, other than family of course.
my best friend is my sister-in-law-, been best friends for 30 years, she is so much like my hubby.
the other acquaintances in my life are people who I've sold my babies too, or the people on here.....we all get each other, that is what makes this forum so special.

who in the world would stay up all night to feed a chick, or go out and catch flies for their bird, or travel 7 hours to get a new bird that needs rescuing, we seem to be cut from the same cloth, and our animals come first.

I can't be bothered to make friends, it's too much effort and all they do is stab you in the back.
I'm happy here with my family, and my menagerie of animals, at least I can trust them.
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I think its a downfall being younger than most of you. I dont know your ages so I won't ask. Lol.

ha ha, I'm not telling you how old I am ;)....but when I was SO fed up with guys, I was so done with them all, that is when I met my hubby :) I was 19 and he was 17

when the time is right you will meet mr.right....don't rush it....enjoy yourself and your life, find out who you are as a person, make yourself happy first!!

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