
Oh I'm so sorry! Prayers your way...don't give up hope!
Oh, Trish! Just reading this, sweetheart! I'm so sorry. You and Barney are in my prayers, my friend.

I can imagine how heartbreaking this must be for you, and how hopeless it must seem at the moment, but you must not lose hope! Yes, it is possible that he has flown some distance from where you live. And that's what all of those fliers are for. But just as some birds have been recovered a town or two away, many others have been recovered from the same neighborhood or one adjacent. All that you can do, Trish, is to cover every possibility. Reaching out to vets, police precincts and firefighter houses both locally and the next few towns over helps to cover your bases. But so does putting a "feeding station" cage outside your house.

Don't assume he won't circle back your way. Whether he has some sense of where home might be, or if he's wandering aimlessly, the possibility exists that he might find himself in your area once again. If his cage can be moved out into the open, with Madge doing her flock call for him, that might be enough to guide him home.

The possibility of his recovery isn't as remote as it might seem. Mark went out looking for one lost African Grey and found three instead! It's possible, my dear friend. Please don't lose hope.
Oh wow Trish :( My eyes teared up thinking about Barney out there! I will be thinking of you all.. I can only imagine how you must be feeling.

Don't give up, he is a smart boy!

My friend once lost his african grey down in Victoria, and they found him 5 days later!!

Big hugs from us all! <3
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No news yet. Thank you all for the moral support! It's so hard not to give up!

Barn was sitting in a tree, just looking at us for about an hour. Then, something sent him winging his way up the street. We chased him, but I couldn't keep up. The kids saw him wheel around and fly back past our house and then out along the road that crosses the swamp. This is a busy, four-lane road with swamp meadow on either side (no trees to speak of). Since Barn didn't land on a power pole, he had to have flown for trees, which are about a mile in every direction. We just lost him.

My biggest worries are the numerous birds of prey that live in the swamp (I see them every day) and the wild flocks of lorikeets (numbering hundreds) that Barney could follow. The weather we've been having lately has been unpredictable and there've been afternoon electrical storms with vicious winds and hail. My Barney is so vulnerable! He has no idea how to find food or water or his way home.

It takes a lot to make me cry, but I cried buckets last night.

Madge is silent. :(
Can you get in there, the swamp area, to look about/call him and that sort of thing, or is it just wasteland that can't be accessed? Hopefully, he's just come down "over there" and if you can get in there, he might still be there. Have you got "bird people" in your area to help you search? I just hope he gets home, like Tusk did.
Oh no. This sounds almost exactly like our ordeal with Diesel, without the falcons...I feel for you. My heart is in my mouth. So difficult to explain, especially to people without parrots. It's really like your child has been lost. You cant relax, without your mind thinking about where they are.
Keep your faith. Diesel wasn't far and stayed in the area. He called out to us when we were near. Just keep listening.
Thinking if you all.
Diesel and his family xoxoxox
Oh Trish, I was so hoping for good news today:(
I have faith you are going to find him, and am sending massive amounts of prayers to you and Barney, my friend. Poor Madge, my heart is breaking for her as well:(
Trish, I keep checking this thread in the hopes your prayers have been answered and Barney is back home. My thoughts are with you, Dear Friend. I wish I was there to give you a hug and help you search.
I keep checking too- I really hope he comes back!!

Is there a way to take Madge with you in the car and maybe he'll hear her calling?

Hugs to you and your family and flock [emoji173]️
Sometimes there are no proper words to illustrate feelings, Trish, but I think of you and Barn every day and cannot imagine the uncertainty you both must be experiencing.
Oh my goodness. My stomach completely dropped reading this thread, I'm so sorry I didn't see it until now. I understand how you feel, and it's so hard to keep sane during these times from the crazy amount of worry. Please keep us updated, and I hope that Barney will find his way back home into your arms! :(
Trish, any news?? Still praying for Barney's return:(
Trish, thoughts and prayers out to you and Barney. My heart is heavy for you over this situation.
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Sigh. No news. I'm sorry, but it's really, really hard to join in the forum just now. I keep seeing pictures of everyone's loved birds and... mine is Out There somewhere. Madgie is absolutely silent most of the time. I keep wishing she'd honk out her flock call, but she's depressed like the rest of us. The kids keep saying 'Mum, I just want Barney back!' and that makes the lump in my throat swell up so bad and the stone in my chest just grows heavier. Misery. :(
I'm so sorry, Trish. My heart is aching for you, Madge, and your family. Barney will remain in my prayers, Honey, and so will you. Hugs to you all.

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