Help with bird choice?



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Nov 1, 2017
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I can't read all of these posts since this forum has become so popular, it seems now I am being told the same thing at this point. Guys, I understand, parrots are a very big commitment and you want to make sure I understand that this is no "fun" job. I am not going to get a macaw, and according to most on here, God forbid I should ever own any kind of parrot. Honestly, maybe you're right and I'm just ignorant and dumb for thinking I could handle owning a bird ever. I wanted to, I wanted to learn and do my research and help these animals, but I guess I am not cut out for it. I apologize if I was angry towards any of you, I felt attacked. Anyways, have a great day everyone, this is my last post.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2014
Greater Orlando area, Florida
JoJo, 'Special' GCC, Bongo, Cinnamon GCC(wife's)
I can't read all of these posts since this forum has become so popular, it seems now I am being told the same thing at this point. Guys, I understand, parrots are a very big commitment and you want to make sure I understand that this is no "fun" job. I am not going to get a macaw, and according to most on here, God forbid I should ever own any kind of parrot. Honestly, maybe you're right and I'm just ignorant and dumb for thinking I could handle owning a bird ever. I wanted to, I wanted to learn and do my research and help these animals, but I guess I am not cut out for it. I apologize if I was angry towards any of you, I felt attacked. Anyways, have a great day everyone, this is my last post.
Too bad, there is so much to learn here! You are very much like me, you wear your emotions on your sleeve! If you go back in the forum history, many of our regulars have a very flaming beginning!


Supporting Member
Aug 21, 2010
San Diego, California USA, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy
Goffins: Gabby, Abby, Squeaky, Peanut, Popcorn / Citron: Alice / Eclectus: Angel /Timneh Grey: ET / Blue Fronted Amazon: Gonzo /

RIP Gandalf and Big Bird, you are missed.
I can't read all of these posts since this forum has become so popular, it seems now I am being told the same thing at this point. Guys, I understand, parrots are a very big commitment and you want to make sure I understand that this is no "fun" job. I am not going to get a macaw, and according to most on here, God forbid I should ever own any kind of parrot. Honestly, maybe you're right and I'm just ignorant and dumb for thinking I could handle owning a bird ever. I wanted to, I wanted to learn and do my research and help these animals, but I guess I am not cut out for it. I apologize if I was angry towards any of you, I felt attacked. Anyways, have a great day everyone, this is my last post.

Matt, I've purposely held back comments to preclude the "overload" you perceive. I applaud you for joining the forum and a willingness to learn. Passions run deep here as the focus is almost entirely on "the bird(s).

My best advice is to spend time volunteering at a rescue, if available. You'll be exposed to a variety of species and an endless number of behaviors, both good and not so nice. I am certain every member who contributed wishes for you to see first-hand the incredible joys and challenges of companion birds. Only then can you make the best informed decision. IMO, a person of most any age can successfully live with a parrot, given a durable commitment that can span into your senior years. (assuming you acquire a long-lived parrot at your age)


Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 18, 2013
Maya (Female Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Jolly (Male Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Bixby (Male, red-sided eclectus. RIP), Suzie (Male cockatiel. RIP)
I can't read all of these posts since this forum has become so popular, it seems now I am being told the same thing at this point. Guys, I understand, parrots are a very big commitment and you want to make sure I understand that this is no "fun" job. I am not going to get a macaw, and according to most on here, God forbid I should ever own any kind of parrot. Honestly, maybe you're right and I'm just ignorant and dumb for thinking I could handle owning a bird ever. I wanted to, I wanted to learn and do my research and help these animals, but I guess I am not cut out for it. I apologize if I was angry towards any of you, I felt attacked. Anyways, have a great day everyone, this is my last post.

Hello, Matt. I'm sorry that your first foray onto this forum has been a bit of a rocky one. As has been said, everyone here has been well-intentioned with their advice. Non-video internet communication is infamous, however, for its limited ability to convey the intended tone that would provide proper context for the words expressed.

That said, however, I cannot endeavor to tell you how you should feel. Communication is a two-way street, and just as I vouch for the good intentions of those who have posted, I also acknowledge that how you perceived those posts deserves our consideration as well.

In the hopes that you are at least still listening, I just want to say that, rocky start aside, I think you actually have a temperament that will be really good for raising a parrot. Why? Because you seem to have a genuine desire to learn how to be the best parront you possibly can. And because, despite feeling as though you were being attacked (whether or not you were is beside the point. You felt attacked), you still hung in and gleaned some valuable information. There is a lot to be said for that. Not a one of us began this journey as bird experts. (Well, except perhaps for April/Kiwibird, who has pics of parrots perched on her crib and watching over her as a baby, but I digress...) We all started where you are.

And while there are many who started young and their birds suffered for it, there are others who have made amazing parronts from rather early ages. One of the best parronts I've met actually started at 16. Heck, I myself started at around 20. Teenagers may tend not to make the best carers of birds, but tendency does not a rule make. No one knows you like you do. So take the advice offered and make the best decision for yourself that you can.

I hope you reconsider and decide to post again. We'd love to have you, and look forward to watching as you begin your journey into parronthood. Please don't be discouraged. Just try to take the advice in the spirit with which it was given rather than in the tone with which you received it. Take what works for you and applies to you... and discard the rest.

Best of luck in your search for a companion parrot, Matt.


New member
May 11, 2017
Surrey, UK
Rio (Yellow sided conure) sadly no longer with us
Good points by Anansi and Scott. I do apologize if I appear to have been attacking but rest assured I had no meaning of doing so, I would agree you definitely could be right for a parrot as long as you can take a breather and remove yourself from the gut reaction feelings we all get, I was the same until I was 22 but once I understood just quite how to do it life suddenly became easier and I began to finally relax. Heck I'd never say a mac isn't right for someone if the situation permits it. I both envy and have a deep respect for people with Macs. They're wonderful creatures and if you can care for when and feel comfortable then there's nothing stopping you from doing so. Greys in their own way have challenges a mac doesn't and vice-versa, just as I say I never understand with anyone about narrowing the choices down so far, it's just a me thing really.

I hope you do reconsider and decide to stick around. Everyone here at least at first has meant well, just some of us (myself more than many) are less tactful in our wording and may say what appears as attacking but is honestly said in earnest and for benefit. Hopefully you do decide to volunteer as I am looking to do myself and hopefully you meet a fun companion whom you can enjoy, and come back here to parade around and prove any naysayers wrong ;)

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