How do i make my budgie accept pets? i need to help her with molting feathers.


New member
Nov 15, 2023
Hello! so my budgie Rio shes a female at on my other threads i though it was a male but then she laid eggs after a while lol. so Rio and i are well bonded I've had her since she was 21-25 days old. now she is 7 months old and she will step up on my fingers shoulders sometimes preen my hair or lips and cooperates in flight trainings etc and even trusts me enough to preen herself when she is on me and sleep on my hands or shoulders. But there is one thing we dont get along upon which is physical touch or pets. When was a baby 21-25 days to 2 months old she was a just one budgie she use to let me pet her she liked head scratches but after i got her a partner shiyo i kind of forgot to keep on petting her or i guess i didnt because at the beginning after getting shiyo me and rios bond was drifting apart she'd barely be on my hands let alone physical touch. and during that period my aunt and her twin toddlers visited us so i wasnt able to spend that much time with them either bcz my house was quite small i couldnt take them out everyday with toddlers in my house i didnt want to risk it, like one day theyd be out the other day they wouldnt and then the day after id let them out. so that connnection between me and rio sort if drifted apart. bcz of the guests and her having a new partner. Then thankfully after the guests left i spend a lot of time with her and we were on good terms. but the only problem was i couldn't pet her idk why it might be bcz she got a new friend now and oh during the period when the toddlers were staying in our house i tried my best to keep their cage away so they wont get close but since its quite a small house they sometimes managed to get close to the birds cage and they did this thing where they would put their fingers in the middle of the cage's bar space and let rio bite or shiyo bite it because of that now whenever i try to get my fingers close to her she will get really aggressive do the angry screeching and start biting my finger also bcz of this rio refused to step up on my fingers for a while but now its not a problem anymore she thinks when the fingers are vertical it means enemy (like the babies use to put the finger in the cage in that way and disturb them that also probably traumatized them)and when its horizontal its a friend. I didnt think of rio not letting me pet her anymore as a problem since cause if she had a friend so when molting they willhelp eachother breakdown their molting feathers and other than the petting she is well tamed. But then an unfortunate incident happened shiyo flew away :( so there is no one to preen her i havent gotten her a friend yet im not mentally prepared yet and she does fine alone she hasnt been that depressed after shiyo flying away. she molting recently her molting stopped but there are some preen feathers around head eyes which and she tries to scratch them by using other objects but it doesnt go away. i tried to let her pet me but as i said she gets rlly aggresive if i cross the line and try getting my fingers rlly close to her. Is there any way i can somehow let her allow me to pet her?


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Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
Training parrots to do anything is usually a long process that takes small incremental steps to the goal. You don't MAKE parrots do anything.


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Jan 9, 2023
Quaker, 2 budgies
I’m sorry Shiyo flew away 😕. I’ve never had a budgie who would let me help with molting. Having rough surfaces, like natural wood perches, for Rio to rub on is probably the most helpful thing you can do to help her rid herself of those itchy pin feathers!

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